The American Declaration of Independence Item in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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The American Declaration of Independence

Carthian Status: None

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Carthians
Description: Although not unique — more than a dozen copies are known to be in the possession of Carthian Kindred throughout North America — the original prints of the American Declaration of Independence are still considered valued artifacts in the Movement. Many Kindred see a reflection of their own struggle in the words of the Declaration, and find great inspiration in its wording.
Each copy of the document has been handled so many times that The Spirit’s Touch is not likely to produce any reliable results. Several Kindred have claimed that their copy of the Declaration is the “first copy” or the original, but most or all are fraudulent, and verifying whether a copy was the first, 10th or last off the presses is impossible.
In recent years, a controversy has arisen over some of the copies, which have shown slight discrepancies when compared to one another. It is now believed that a coded message may have been hidden in the prints by a person or persons unknown, and that analysis of all the discrepancies might lead to its revelation. No vampire has been able to verify or dispute this claim, since the copies are so widespread (and many are unaccounted for).
Interpretation: To read the Declaration of Independence, a vampire must be fluent in English. The text is no different from that duplicated in countless books and prints, though some small spots and print errors appear to alter certain characters upon close examination. A success on a Wits + Investigation roll would be required to notice these discrepancies. (A +2 bonus is added to this roll if the vampire reading the document has Heightened Senses.) These alterations, while appearing random, do occasionally alter the meaning of certain passages in a manner that is often so appropriate as to suggest conscious interference. Whether they enhance or detract from the Declaration is a matter of personal opinion to those who examine them.
Item type
Book / Document
Owning Organization

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