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The Crux



The first time a vampire participates in The Vaulderie forges a connection to those Forsworn whose Vitae he imbibed during the rite. At this stage, a vampire’s tie to the Crux is functionally similar to a two-step Vinculum between two Kindred. A sense of familiarity — and, more centrally, understanding — arises among all participants, and even though all that “happened” was the ritual shedding and drinking of blood, each one feels as though a deep and meaningful communion between his soul and the others’ souls has taken place. Even at this stage, the potency of the bond makes the prospect of doing physical harm to another so bonded a difficult prospect (requiring in most cases a Resolve + Composure roll), and grants a participant a +1 die bonus to all Social rolls directed at another.
The second performance of The Vaulderie strengthens the vampire’s connection to the Crux, and thus to his covey-mates, even further. The sense of empathy and understanding increases, as the vampire begins to truly feel a part of the covey. At this stage, which is similar in potency but different in the feel of a three-step bond under a standard Vinculum, each participant gains a +2 dice bonus on all Social rolls made against other covey-mates (and all those similarly two-steps bonded to that participant’s Crux). In addition, participants must engage in Resolve + Composure rolls at a –1 penalty any time they wish to take physical action against another vampire so bonded, even while in the grip of frenzy.
The third and final Vaulderie draught fully cements a Forsworn’s place in the Crux. The bonds among coveymates truly crystallize as their eyes and souls open to the truth of their group dynamic, and its importance in each individual vampire’s fulfillment of his role as the Adversary intended. At this stage, the members of a given covey become true vampiric family to one another. In addition to the +2 dice bonus on all Social rolls, each participant develops an actual blood tie with each Forsworn who is also fully bonded to the Crux with him (see Vampire: The Requiem, p. 162). Thus, each covey-mate receives a +2 bonus when trying to affect another covey-mate with certain vampiric powers, just as each one benefits from the mystical connection known as blood sympathy. At this level of bondedness, participants must engage in Resolve + Composure rolls at a –2 penalty any time they wish to take physical action against another vampire so bonded, even while in the grip of frenzy. (Note that a fully bonded Crux member suffers only the –1 penalty to take action against one who himself is only two-steps bonded to the Crux where the one taking action is concerned).
Once bonded to the Crux, a vampire’s soul benefits from a sort of mystical bulwark so long as it is maintained. First and foremost, the Crux destroys all preexisting Vinculums once one is fully connected to it (after three Vaulderie rites). Even if a given vampire has been thrall to his sire for centuries, the Crux takes over. Second, and almost as critical, the prospect of developing a new Vinculum with one not of the Brood becomes an impossibility thereafter, as the Crux inhibits the connections required to form such bonds. If a Brood member presently connected to the Crux drinks of a non-Forsworn’s blood, no special effect occurs and no bond is established. Once a part of the Crux, a Brood member’s blood bonds to other Forsworn are his only blood bonds.


If the Crux is not refreshed with some regularity (most coveys tend to perform the Crux at least once a month), its power will wane at a much accelerated rate as compared to a standard Vinculum. After 366 days, a vampire’s soul detaches completely from the Crux, in effect severing his blood bond with his covey-mates. No Stamina + Composure rolls are permitted to resists steps toward the Crux.

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