The de Graaf Manifesto Item in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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The de Graaf Manifesto

Carthian Status: •

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Carthians
Description: Written in March of 1801, this French document is inked on fine parchment and signed by de Graaf herself. The Manifesto was transported and traded all over Europe throughout the 19th century, eventually disappearing while in the care of a young Gangrel as she made her way between domains in northern Italy. The Gangrel never arrived at her destination, and the Manifesto was thought to be forever lost.
The Manifesto itself is said to provide an astonishingly clear insight into the nascent philosophies of The Carthian Movement, as indicated by de Graaf’s frank and uncluttered expression. Those who have read the document claim that de Graaf’s genius is clearly evident in the arrangement of the arguments therein, and that the simple questions she poses throw the rationale of the competing covenants into serious doubt, proving simply and accurately that reason is incompatible with those organizations.
Rumor has it that the Manifesto resurfaced in recent years, and that the vampire who discovered it has already turned a tidy profit from its sale to an eager Carthian scholar. Where that scholar took it and what he intends to do with it is unknown.
Interpretation: Anyone who does read the Manifesto will become keenly aware of de Graaf’s intellect and skill at debate. To understand the content, a character must be fluent in French and succeed on an Intelligence + Academics roll. The arguments of the Manifesto can be memorized with an extended Intelligence + Academics roll requiring 10 successes, with each roll representing one night of study. Full memorization of the Manifesto would justify the purchase of a debate specialty for the Politics Skill, or a Carthian theory specialty for the Academics Skill.
Item type
Book / Document
Owning Organization

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