The Invisible Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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The Invisible

Level-Four Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Ancient Mysteries
An elder Mekhet belonging to the Banu Shaitan once saw her enemies converging and sought to escape the Final Death she was sure was upon her. Slipping into her Tomb, she offered a prayer to Allah and slit her throat from ear to ear with a ritual blade. When her foes finally found the Tomb and flung it open, it was empty.
This ritual allows a vampire to disappear during her time in Torpor. She is therefore immune to sunlight, fire and predation. She falls into Torpor immediately upon enacting this ritual (during which she must slit her own throat with a ritual blade), so a Kindred cannot know whether or not she has succeeded. No one knows for sure if the body does indeed disappear or if it just transforms to something else (air? dust?). Most elders don’t trust anyone around them when they are that vulnerable, making such verification difficult at best.
A dramatic failure on this ritual is devastating. The vampire vanishes, but is scattered to the winds. When her Torpor ends, the player rolls Resolve + Composure, with a penalty equal to -1 for every century of Torpor (minimum -1). If the roll succeeds, the character awakens, but is weakened — her Blood Potency falls to one dot, and she gains a severe derangement. If the roll fails, the character still awakens, but her Humanity has fallen to zero — she is now a mindless killer. On dramatic failure, the character never appears at all. She might wander into other vampires’ nightmares from time to time, though.
Material Components
Offering: An object that signifies security to the Kindred on whom the ritual is targeted (splinter from the door to her haven, bullet from the pistol he keeps with him at all times, etc.) and a ritual blade. Both items are consumed by the ritual and crumble to ash.
Related Discipline

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