The Privateer's Pistol Item in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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The Privateer's Pistol

Carthian Status: None

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Carthians
Description: This polished wood flintlock pistol, while in relatively poor condition, is highly valued because of the powerful impression of rebellion the Pistol conveys to anyone with The Spirit’s Touch. By grasping the weapon and activating the power, vampires can still feel an inkling of a desperate battle, provoked by outrageous injustices somehow inflicted upon the original bearer of the weapon. Many who have experienced the sense of righteous rage and overwhelming need for release claim that it is the most succinct summary of the collected purpose and arguments of The Carthian Movement possible.
Those who have possessed the Pistol have taken great care to avoid diluting the emotion imprinted within the grain, and have refrained from repairing or restoring the artifact. As a result, the gun is useless to anyone incapable of feeling the ephemeral marks laid upon it.
The Pistol is believed to have originated somewhere in the Caribbean, claimed by a vampire scouring the harbor where its bearer fell. The Pistol has been traded from domain to domain ever since, most commonly inside a cushioned mahogany case emblazoned with a pair of dolphins.
Interpretation: Successful application of The Spirit’s Touch will convey the emotions listed above. An exceptional success will reveal that the Pistol was used to fire the first shot in a mutiny aboard a masted frigate in the midst of a tropical storm, and that the shot brought down the captain of the ship in question. The bearer of the Pistol was gunned down immediately thereafter, and the impression ends there. Those Carthians who have experienced the full impact of the Pistol are divided on its explanation. Some claim that the Pistol is an example that successful revolution requires full devotion, even unto death. Others argue that the Pistol bears a condemnation of violent revolt, demonstrating the futility of politically motivated murder.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Owning Organization

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