Transubstantiation Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Level-Five Theban Sorcery Ritual

The character transforms one substance or object into another. It can be water into blood, for example, or a tree branch into a snake, or a person into a pillar of salt. The object or substance transformed becomes a perfectly normal, mundane version of whatever it is. Transubstantiation does not turn a frog into a Lupine, for example, though it could change a frog into a wolf. The only limits on the transformation are that it works only on objects smaller than the caster, and that the product cannot simulate human (or vampiric…) intelligence. That is, the same frog could be transformed into a child, but the child wouldn’t be able to have any intelligent discourse or even perform many complicated activities since it’s just a frog turned into the simulacrum of a child. The substance or object reverts to its original form when the sun next rises (though a person transformed into, say, ice and whose arm is broken off has both portions of herself turn back to normal in different locations, and swiftly bleeds to death).
If this power is used to affect another creature, the invocation is contested, pitting the sorcerer’s Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery against the subject’s Stamina + Blood Potency (resistance is reflexive). The sorcerer must be within arm’s length of the subject changed.
Material Components
Offering: A drop of liquid gold
Related Discipline

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