Vision of the Will Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Vision of the Will

Level-Three Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
The sorcerer infuses an object the sorcerer touches with an intense psychic vision of his own creation. Whoever next touches the object receives this vision as a rush of sounds and images in the mind. Anything the sorcerer can imagine can be instilled in the vision, but the vision can last only as many turns as there were successes on the activation roll. The vision is undeniably intense, and can be used to persuade, enlighten, frighten, or intimidate the viewer.
The sorcerer can devise a vision that simply imparts facts or instructions (by depicting a journey across a foreign land, for example, or conjuring a vision of a wise man) or it can be used to attempt a Social action on the viewer (using Skills such as Expression, Intimidation, or Persuasion). The exact dice pools of such efforts must depend on the style and purpose of each particular vision but are always based on the caster’s traits since the vision comes from the caster’s memory or imagination. Because the sorcerer’s own personality doesn’t have to be a feature of the vision, Mental or Social Attributes are equally viable for these dice pools. A vision intended to frighten someone away might allow a dice pool of Presence or Intelligence + Intimidation, for example. A vision devised to pacify or soothe the viewer might use a dice pool of Wits or Manipulation + Persuade. Typically, a vision’s dice pool is contested by the viewer’s Resolve + Composure, but the Storyteller gets final say on the dice pool to be used for both the sorcerer and the viewer. When a vision is created, make a note of the dice pool it uses; don’t roll the dice pool until the vision is experienced.
While the vision is being experienced, the viewer is unaware of her body or the outside world. Whether or not the viewer is affected by any Skills used by the sorcerer through the vision, the experience continues until it reaches its intended conclusion or until the viewer musters the will to resist the psychic presence of the vision. To resist a vision, the viewer must complete an extended Resolve + Composure action with a target number equal to the successes scored on the ritual’s activation roll. Each roll requires one turn.
A vision has no expiration date, and may lay waiting for an audience for millennia. This ritual causes a vision to be experienced only once, by the next person to touch the object, but the sorcerer may choose to infuse the vessel with more instances of the vision by investing more Willpower points in the ritual. To do this, the sorcerer must spend one turn in contact with the object for each additional point of Willpower to be invested. Extra Willpower must be invested after the ritual has been activated but before the sorcerer breaks contact with the object. This investment of Willpower does not require an action on the part of the sorcerer — he needs only to keep touching the object. Remember that a character canspend only one Willpower point per turn.


Example: A ghoul treasure-hunter digging in Jerusalem happens upon an urn that had been infused with a Vision of the Will one thousand years before, and lapses into a trance while horrific visions of human slaughter splay through her mind. The sorcerer who created this vision is attempting to scare trespassers away from the tomb where he lays torpid — the vision has a dice pool made up of the sorcerer’s Wits + Intimidation. The ghoul opposes the vision with Resolve + Composure and succeeds: she is frightened, but not scared off. Still, the ghoul wishes to free herself from the hellish vision, so she makes the first roll of an extended Resolve + Composure action with a target number of six (the successes scored on the sorcerer’s activation roll a millennium ago). She produces just one success on her first roll and so stands entranced for a turn while the vile scene plays out in her head … unaware that zombies in the catacomb with her are drawing ever closer.
Material Components
Offering: The object to be infused with the vision, which can be no larger than a human skull. When the last of the visions bound to the object have been experienced, it crumbles to dust.
Related Discipline

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