Vitae Reliquary Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Vitae Reliquary

Level-One Theban Sorcery Ritual

The character takes an ordinary object and stores an amount of Vitae in it that may be called upon later (whether as sustenance or for any other purpose that requires Vitae). Any Kindred or ghoul can call upon the stored Vitae, not just the caster, though the person using the Vitae must know that it’s there. The amount of Vitae that can be stored in the object is equal to the amount of successes the player achieves on the invocation roll, although the caster may infuse the object with less if he wishes. The Vitae to be stored comes directly from the caster’s own body. This ritual can be cast only once on the item in question. Any object can contain the Vitae, regardless of its size, though the item must be at least the size of a person’s fist. The Vitae remains indefinitely until consumed. The act of consuming the blood might involve taking it to one’s lips, or holding the item tight and willing the blood to pass from object to body. This Vitae is “neutral,” which is to say that the feeding Kindred does not subject the sorcerer to a Vinculum in this manner, though blood addiction is still a risk.
Material Components
Offering: The vessel of infusion itself is the offering, which is destroyed after the last Vitae is removed. The offering crumbles to dust. Prior to that point, the item functions as it normally would (a rapier may still be used to attack, a book may still be read).
Related Discipline

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