Wings of the Seraph Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Wings of the Seraph

(Level-Two Theban Sorcery Ritual)

Vampire the Requiem - Nomads
This ritual allows a sorcerer to increase his rate of movement — useful for a fast getaway or a sprint to a safe Haven before the sun breaks the horizon.
Once cast, the ritual remains in effect until the sorcerer chooses to tap its power. The effects of the ritual wait in reserve until the next sunrise, at which time they fade if never called upon. Willpower is spent when the ritual is actually performed.
Activating the power adds a number to the sorcerer’s Speed equal to his Theban Sorcery dots for each success rolled. So, if the user has Theban Sorcery 3 and two successes are rolled, a total of six is added to his Speed. (If the user runs, his total modified Speed rating is doubled. If the aforementioned sorcerer had a starting Speed 0f 9, it would increase to 15, and would double to 30 if he ran.) This ritual’s Speed increase lasts for a number of turns equal to the sorcerer’s Blood Potency. This ritual may be performed and used only once per night, and only on the user himself. Triggering the dormant effect is a reflexive action. The Speed bonus applies only as long as the user does nothing other than travel. If he performs any other action in a turn such as making an attack or performing another ritual, the effect terminates prematurely. Wings of the Seraph cannot be used in conjunction with Celerity. If Celerity is already activated or is activated when this ritual is in effect, the rite fails to activate or ends immediately and Celerity alone applies.
Material Components
Offering: Two raven feathers
Gestures & Ritual

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