Wrathful Judgment Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Wrathful Judgment

Level-Five Theban Sorcery Ritual

This ritual metes out divine punishment by turning a Kindred’s own Vitae to fire in his veins. The ritual is unlike other Theban Sorcery practices in that the sorcerer “charges” the ritual before the player makes the final roll, and that charge can consist of multiple points of Willpower. (Remember, though, that a player may spend only a single point of Willpower in a single turn, so invoking this power can take multiple turns.) Each point of Willpower invested in this ritual deals one point of aggravated damage to the subject and consumes one Vitae from her as the victim’s blood burns away in a conflagration of divine fire. For more on fire damage, see p. 172. If the sorcerer has some personal object of the subject’s, he may invoke this ritual from anywhere in the world. Otherwise, the vampire must be able to see his subject. The object must be of some importance to the intended victim — a picture of his dead wife works, while his car keys or cell phone might not. Objects taken from the subject’s body itself (hair, a fingernail) are more than satisfactory.
This ritual has no effect on mortals or other supernatural beings. It does affect ghouls, however.
The roll to activate this ritual is penalized by the subject’s Stamina. If no successes are rolled for the ritualist, all Willpower invested into the rite is lost.
Material Components
Offering: One of the casting vampire’s eyes or hands, either plucked out or cut off. The Kindred suffers two points of lethal damage in the process.
Related Discipline

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