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Satenium Miner


A Satenium miner is someone who mines soley Satenium. These miners endure grueling work places to mine the mineral that powers many advanced technologies. This profession requires a mix of physical endurance, technical skill and mental resilience to weather the harsh conditions.

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Excavation & Extraction: These miners utilize an advanced drilling equipment to burrow through many layers of rock to reach the Satenium that is often deep in a planets crust. Often some layers are too tough or are too dangerous for the mining equipment, so blasting is a fallback option to clear any troubling layers in the way. Heavy machinery like Excavation robots, excavators and loaders are used to help off load the burrowed rock, letting the drill keep working.
  • Safety & Hazard Management: The miners need to wear a protective suit and helment when working due to the possiblity of toxic gases, radiation and extreme temperatures to name a few possiblities that may be encountered. Safety protocols are followed to a fine point. These rules that are in place help prevent against disasters like cave-ins, equipment failures and exposure to hazardous materials. Every miner is trained is basic first aid and needs to pass an 6-month emergency course to train in responses to certain senarios.
  • Ore Processing: The miners do a preliminary processing of the mineral by seperating what they can from the surrounding rock and other impurities. Quality control is one of the more important roles of the miner. They ensure that the ore is as clean as possible from anything that may taint the processing process later.
  • Environmental Management: For planets that are inhabited or otherwise could be, the miners are often required to minimize enviromental impact. The land that is used is often tarnished so attempts are made to make sure that a cleanup is possible.

Skills & Qual

Job Type


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