Shadar-Kai Ethnicity in Vandrius | World Anvil
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Shadar-Kai, also known as Duskwalkers, are the Raven Queen's chosen. They serve as her acolytes and act as Grim Reapers, not causing death, but ever-present at the time of death, to ferry the departed souls to the Shadowfell. After becoming a Shadar-Kai, their physical features tend towards monochrome - skin of various shades of gray, and hair ranging from palest white to darkest black. The eyes of a Shadar-Kai are also dark, lacking any sclera or pupil. Shadows on their bodies or clothing always seem to be deeper and darker than shadows elsewhere, and shadow seem to follow them and reach out, especially when they exhibit strong emotions. Many Shadar-Kai partake in body modification, including body piercings, tattoos, and the like.   Many Shadar-Kai take on a grim persona, perhaps due to the grim task they are tasked with, but this is by no means universal. Many approach their duties with a sadistic eagerness, while others assume snarky sarcastic disposition, jaded by the constant exposure to death.   A Shadar-Kai who is loyal to the Raven Queen will not kill except in self-defense, as they are taught not to upset the natural order of life and death. There are exceptions, but killing when unnecessary is judged very harshly by the Queen. When engaged in combat however, a Shadar-Kai is quick, agile, and graceful. They typically wield light weapons and are particularly known for fighting with spiked chains. Spellcasters favor shadow magic and illusion spells.

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