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Glass Shard

Glass Shard (a.k.a. The Dropout)

Glass left the Firundan Eldritch Knights believing she could become stronger on her own than any of those fools could become in Firunda.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, slim, and fit

Facial Features

Stoic brown eyes

Special abilities

The family shortsword Ignition states that, "You may use a bonus action to both sheathe a held weapon and draw this one, or vice versa. On a successful hit, roll 1d6+modifiers for slashing damage and 1d10 for fire damage. After an attack, make a Constitution save 1d20+4 (DC 15). Take 1d6 on a failed save, and none on a success."

Apparel & Accessories

Dresses in light armor, prefers warm conditions

Specialized Equipment

Two-handed fighting style, academic background, experience as a soldier

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Glass' mother was a human adventurer that traveled many countries and overcame many trials. On one of her adventures, she ended up meeting and falling in love with a simple elf that enjoyed blacksmithing and dabbling in magic. Together, they worked hard to start their own shop in a small town within the country of Firunda, where her mother would travel and gather rare materials while her father would forge them into expertly-crafted weapons.
The two did their best to provide their daughter Glass with the best education possible, putting her through special training in hope that she might become an Elite Eldritch Knight. Her parents were even preparing for her the short sword "Ignition", a sword enchanted with fire magic, as a present for her Eldritch Knight promotion. Glass tried to honor her parents wishes and respect their efforts, but she did not enjoy her soldier lifestyle. The idea of being a mindless drone for some royal family was obviously unappealing as the daughter of a great adventurer. But more than that, Glass loathed her fellow soldier's disdain for the poor and their treatment of outsiders. Glass strongly believed those that abuse their power to oppress and belittle the weak were the scum of the earth.
Around the time she was finally trained and groomed to join the royal Eldritch Knights, Glass uncovered secrets about the royal family. She finally realized the extent of their moral corruption and the effects it was having on the innocent and undeserving. This was the final straw. As soon as she found an opening, Glass abandoned the castle, prepared to live a life unaffiliated with royal politics. Glass slipped into her parent's shop while they were asleep. She scribbled a note for her family and left it on the counter. As Glass was gathering a few materials and a couple scimitars to take with her on her leave, she noticed "Ignition".
It was the most impressive sword she had ever seen crafted, and she got choked up when she noticed her name engraved on the hilt. Glass picked up the sword, and as she began admiring the detail, the blade started to erupt in a powerful flame. But soon the handle started to burn as well, causing her to yell and drop the sword to the ground. The flames around the blade went out as soon as the sword left her hand. But Glass heard movement in the room upstairs, and realized her outburst had woken her parents. Without thinking, Glass threw Ignition into her bag and dashed outside, not prepared to stop until she had escaped Firunda and the reach of its king. Her parents ran into the shop, noticed that some things were missing, and immediately started assessing their losses. Then her mother noticed the note on the countertop. She let out a sigh, and a tear rolled down her cheek, before finally reading the words aloud, "I'm sorry that I was too weak for the life of a knight. But I promise you two that I will come back much stronger."

Gender Identity



Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual [Kinsey Scale: 4]


Has the academic and physical training necessary to become an Firundan Eldritch Knight, but was never given the title.


Glass spent her childhood assisting her parents with their shop. During her time studying and training to become an Eldritch Knight, she occasionally worked as a soldier.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Glass completed all Firundan Eldritch Knight trials and qualifications. She also successfully protected various villages from different bandits and beasts during time as a soldier.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her parents wished for her to find a stable career as an Eldritch Knight, and supported her financially and emotionally towards that goal. The fact that Glass dropped out, just as she was finally about to achieve this, definitely disappoints her parents.

Mental Trauma

Her hatred of her enemies is blind and unreasoning. When Glass realized how morally bankrupt the Firundan King truly was, and the damage it caused to innocent, undeserving people, she realized she could never fight for this king. Irrationally, she dearly wants to see him fall by her own hands.

Intellectual Characteristics

Glass is clever, and determined to prove it. She plans to teach herself to become a more powerful Eldritch Knight than anyone in Firunda could ever become.

Morality & Philosophy

Glass values independence. She believes when people follow orders blindly, they embrace a kind of tyranny. But her life as a soldier definitely shaped her morality, because Glass regularly chooses to fight for those who are unable to fight for themselves.

I’m always polite and respectful. I can stare down a hell hound without flinching. When people follow orders blindly, they embrace a kind of tyranny. I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. My hatred of my enemies is blind and unreasoning.

Current Location
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Chaotic Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Brown
6 ft
170 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Infernal

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