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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Even for a halfling, Crispin is on the small side. One might even say scrawny. The effect is only emphasized by his ill-fitting wardrobe and his tendancy to shrink into himself under scrutiny. It would be nearly impossible for anyone to tell his real height since that would require him to utilize his entire backbone.

Facial Features

I cannot emphasize enough that he's ginger but not in the hot way. He's ginger in the freakishly-pale-overly-freckled-hair-almost-weirdly-bright way. He burns immediately upon contact with the sun.

Identifying Characteristics

Crispin's life goal is to be as unnoticable and unremarkable as possible. There's only so much he can do about his hair, but everything else is a study in being overlooked.

Physical quirks

Crispin's permanent anxiety shows itself in a twitchiness and jumpiness that gives him the affect of a started rabbit at all times.

Apparel & Accessories

Nothing that would potentially draw attention to him. Crispin's wardrobe is unfortunately ill-fitting, a result of several recent growth spurts and no contact with his father or family home for replacements. He has exactly one outfit that fits and doesn't wear it much because it's for special occassions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Crispin is the middle and only surviving child of Carolus, Thane of Draycott. His father is known to be an ill-mannered, old-fashioned, bitter, and mercenary old brute. Crispin's mother may have once exerted a calming influence, but since she's been dead these 12 years, no can can really say for sure. Crispin's older brother Callum was the family's golden boy, having been knighted at a young age and immediately launched a promising career in the Amber Guard. Callum was considered to be everything their father was not: kind, genial, faithful, and loyal, as well as being a gifted fighter. Four months before the start of the campaign, Carolus determined that Crispin should begin his own squirehood and that, furthermore, his youngest child - a daughter named Avi - should be married. A contract was drawn up for Avi to be wed to a Prietian nobleman's son once both came of age, and in the meantime it was agreed that she should move to Priet immediately to familiarize herself with her new home and family. Callum and Crispin were to be her escourt before returning for Crispin to begin his squire studies.   On the border of Priet, bandits attacked their small caravan and Avi was killed. Far from civilization, the brothers had no choice but to bury her there where she fell. Haunted by her death and their failure, they returned to the capital. When word spread of events, Carolus disowned both his sons as failures and embarrasments.   The two brothers remained close as Crispin began his squirehood studies, but one month before thr Amber gala, Callum was killed in the field in the line of duty. Carolus never even came to the funeral. Now the last child of his parents, Crispin must fill his brother's daunting shoes alone.


Crispin received all the benefits of a noble's education, although Draycott is more than a little out of the way and old fashioned. While in Draycott Crispin had something if a reputation as an academic, but his class scores have been remarkably average in his new environment.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Crispin has no titles or honors to his name. His greatest accomplishment to date is the fact he's not washed out of the program despite his failure to stand out in any meaningful way.

Failures & Embarrassments

Crispin's career as a squire began with his failure to protect his sister and the guilt of her untimely death and her hasty burial in the woods weighs heavily on him.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Crispin has made no effort to befriend any classmates beyond an odd silent friendship that developed with Raphael in the weeks after Callum's death. Crispin prefers silence and solitude, shrinking from any overtures of friendship, social activity, or as a few have noted, physical touch outside of combat training.

Personality Quirks

Crispin is one jumble of nerves and nervous ticks. picking at hangnails, bouncing his leg, chewing his lip, tapping his quill, the list goes on and on. Beyond that, he is noticably private. He avoids social gatherings as much as possible, taking quick escapes from lunchrooms and large events. Anyone calling out to him - or touching him for that matter - will surely see him start like a startled animal.


Crispin is definitely clean, but has the haircut of someone who chopped his own hair off using a dagger and the back of a waahbasin for a mirror. Because he did. His extreme preference for privacy extends to public locker rooms and bathhouses - none of peers would remember ever seeing him in those spaces.


Contacts & Relations

Father: Carolus, Thane of Draycott Mother: Lady Mira [Deceased]

Older Brother: Callum [Deceased]
Younger Sister: Avi [Deceased]

Family Ties

Draycott is out of the way and politically insignificant. What noble ties may exist are hardly invested in the relationship.

Religious Views

The Draycotts have always been faithful, if somewht unenthusiastic, followers of the Allmother.

Social Aptitude

Absolutely not.


As little as possible.

Wealth & Financial state

Draycott is far from wealthy, although Carolus continually schemes to remedy that. Unfortunately, with Avi's death, her lucrative marriage fell theough and with it Carolus' hope for a rich old age. What wealth would have been due a son of Draycott has been witheld since Crispin was disowned.

Crispin is the middle and only surviving child of Carolus, Thane of Draycott. A shy and awkward boy, he bears little resemblance to his famous, knightly, and recently deceased older brother, Callum.

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Current Residence
The Amber Keep
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Halfling, Common, Elvish, and a smattering of ASL.

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