Sielle McTavish Character in Var'Verden | World Anvil
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Sielle McTavish (See-el, Mick-Tav-ish)

Lady Sielle McTavish- McTavish (a.k.a. Kheltic Lady, Queen of the Pirates, Terror of Ramal)

Sielle McTavish, the eldest of three sisters, was born and raised in the lively Kheltland town of Dunhaven. With her vibrant red hair and emerald green eyes inherited from her mother, Sielle always stood out in a crowd. However, her rebellious spirit couldn't be contained within the confines of her hometown.   As a young teenager, Sielle yearned for adventure and a life beyond the ordinary. She felt a strong connection to the sea, captivated by the stories her father would tell of distant lands and lost treasures. One fateful night, she made a daring decision and ran away from home, seeking her destiny on the high seas.   Her journey led her to the islands of An'Deoch Moore, where she encountered a notorious band of pirates. To her surprise, they were not the ruthless, cutthroat types she had imagined. Instead, they were a crew of Sea dwarves, known for their seafaring skills and deep affinity for the ocean. Sielle found herself embraced by this diverse group, becoming an honorary member and learning their ways.   Under the guidance of her newfound pirate family, Sielle honed her combat skills, particularly specializing in dual-wielding swords. She became a force to be reckoned with, swiftly dispatching adversaries with her deadly precision. To enhance her arsenal, she worked in collaboration with her sister Jania, a secretive Warlock who delved into the dark arts. Jania created potent poisons that Sielle applied to her blades, granting her an edge in combat.   During her time as a pirate, Sielle embarked on countless adventures, sailing the treacherous seas, battling sea monsters, and hunting for hidden treasures. She became renowned for her bravery, cunning, and unwavering loyalty to her crew. Tales of her daring exploits spread far and wide, reaching even the shores of Kheltland.   However, life as a pirate couldn't keep Sielle away from her roots forever. After the tragic loss of her parents, Sielle felt a strong sense of duty to her family. She returned to Kheltland, where her younger sisters, Jaliea and Jania, had established a shop called "The Two Sisters Potions and Enchantments." Jaliea, resembling Sielle greatly, specialized in healing arts, while Jania utilized her magical talents in secret as a Warlock.   Sielle took over the family owned McTavish Tavern, determined to preserve her parents' legacy and provide a gathering place for the community. The tavern became a hub of entertainment, filled with stories of Sielle's adventures at sea. Above the bar, proudly displayed, were her retired swords, a testament to her past exploits.   The tavern itself was warm and inviting, centered around a large fireplace where patrons would gather to share their tales, indulge in delicious food prepared by Sielle's cook, Narsinan, a former warrior with a passion for culinary arts. Sielle had taken him under her wing, recognizing his talents and providing him a new purpose.   Not content with a quiet life, Sielle established the Kheltic Knights, a guild dedicated to serving the townspeople of Kheltland. The guild members would assist with daily tasks, such as hunting and gathering supplies, while also embarking on daring quests and adventures together. Sielle led her guild with a firm hand, upholding the values of honor, loyalty, and putting family first.   Sielle McTavish had become a legend in her own right, a strong and formidable woman who commanded respect. Beneath her tough exterior, however, beat a compassionate heart that would go to great lengths to help others. The songs and stories told in her tavern resonated with the people of Kheltland, inspiring them to dream of their own grand adventures.   Sielle's life had come full circle, finding her purpose not only as a pirate and adventurer but also as a guardian of her town and a pillar of her family. Her journey from a young runaway to a renowned tavern owner and guild leader had shaped her into the indomitable woman she was, leaving an enduring legacy in the hearts of those who crossed her path.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sielle McTavish possesses a strong, agile physique honed by years of seafaring and combat. Her body reflects the physical demands of a life at sea, with a strong yet light frame that allows her to swiftly navigate through challenging environments and engage in dual sword combat with deadly precision.

Identifying Characteristics

Sielle McTavish stands out with her vibrant, fiery red hair that matches her bold personality. Her stern face reflects her determination and unwavering resolve. Known for her practicality and preference for practical attire, Sielle rarely opts for dresses, instead favoring more functional and adventurous outfits befitting her life as a pirate and adventurer.

Special abilities

Sielle McTavish possesses a natural charisma that allows her to rally and inspire those around her effortlessly. Her magnetic personality and leadership skills make her a natural focal point for others, drawing them to her cause and instilling a sense of unity. In her moments of relaxation, Sielle indulges in creative pursuits such as jewelry making and leather crafting. These activities not only provide her with a creative outlet but also serve as a way for her to unwind and express her artistic side. The intricate pieces she crafts are a testament to her skill and attention to detail, reflecting her dedication and passion in everything she undertakes.

Apparel & Accessories

Sielle McTavish cherishes a sentimental necklace given to her by her mother, symbolizing the bond they shared. It serves as a constant reminder of her roots and the love that shaped her. Additionally, she carries a boot knife once owned by her father, a cherished memento that represents her connection to him and serves as a symbol of protection and the legacy he left behind.

Specialized Equipment

Sielle McTavish is always prepared for any situation, carrying an assortment of potions, ointments, and herbs from her homeland of Kheltland. These valuable resources serve various purposes, providing healing, protection, and other magical effects when needed. Her two enchanted cutlasses, enhanced by the magical ointments crafted by her talented sister Jania, grant her an additional advantage in combat, making her a formidable and resourceful warrior.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Straight, Female, She/Her




While Sielle attended a local schoolhouse in Dunhaven during her formative years, her education as a sailor, pirate, and tavern owner was predominantly self-taught. Her thirst for adventure and her innate drive to explore beyond the ordinary guided her learning, resulting in a wealth of practical knowledge and a life shaped by her own experiences and encounters.


Siellie started working on her father's tavern on her spare time. She would later leave home and began a career at sea. It is there she became the renowned pirate she is. Currently, she is self Employed as the owner of the McTavishTavern and guild leader of the KhelticKnights.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Sielle McTavish, the Kheltic Lady, has achieved numerous accomplishments and garnered notable achievements throughout her life. Her accomplishments and achievements are a testament to her indomitable spirit, unwavering determination, and her unwavering commitment to following her own path, leaving a lasting impact on the world around her.   1. Mastery of Dual Sword Combat: Sielle's dedication and training have made her a formidable warrior skilled in the art of dual sword combat. Her precision, agility, and deadly strikes with her favored weapons have earned her a fearsome reputation among her foes.   2. Renowned Pirate: Sielle's career as a pirate on the high seas has been filled with daring exploits and legendary adventures. Her skills as a sailor, her leadership abilities, and her unwavering loyalty to her crew have made her a respected figure in pirate circles.   3. Honorary Citizen with Kaimana Sea Dwarves: Sielle's encounter with the notorious band of Sea dwarves led to her becoming an honorary member of their crew. This recognition signifies her exceptional abilities as a sailor and her deep connection to the sea.   4. Founding the Kheltic Knights: Sielle's establishment of the Kheltic Knights guild demonstrates her commitment to serving her town and its people. The guild members assist with various tasks, embark on quests, and embody the values of honor and loyalty that Sielle holds dear.   5. Inspiring Others: Sielle's tales of adventure, bravery, and resilience have inspired countless individuals, both in Kheltland and beyond, to dream of their own grand adventures. Her ability to captivate audiences with her stories has made her a revered figure in her community.   6. Successful Tavern Owner: Taking over her family's tavern in Kheltland, Sielle has transformed it into a thriving establishment. Through her leadership and personal touch, she has created a warm and inviting space where people gather, share stories, and enjoy the hospitality provided by her talented staff.   7. Compassionate Guardian: Sielle's compassionate nature and willingness to help others have made her a beloved figure in her town. She prioritizes the well-being of her family, her crew, and the townspeople of Kheltland, going to great lengths to ensure their safety and happiness.   8. Enduring Legacy: Sielle's achievements have left an enduring legacy in the hearts and minds of those who have crossed her path. Her tales will be passed down through generations, inspiring future adventurers and instilling a sense of pride in the people of Kheltland.

Morality & Philosophy

Sielle McTavish, the Kheltic Lady, possesses a distinct sense of morality and philosophy that guides her actions and decisions. While the specifics of her moral code may vary based on personal experiences and values, the following principles capture the essence of Sielle's morality and philosophy: 1. Honor and Loyalty: Sielle holds honor and loyalty in high regard. She believes in staying true to her word, fulfilling her commitments, and maintaining a strong sense of integrity. Loyalty to her crew, family, and friends is of utmost importance to her, and she expects the same loyalty in return.   2. Compassion and Empathy: Sielle's compassionate heart compels her to help others and alleviate their suffering whenever possible. She understands the importance of empathy and strives to understand the perspectives and struggles of those around her. Sielle's willingness to extend a helping hand and provide support to those in need is a testament to her kind and caring nature.   3. Courage and Bravery: Sielle embodies courage and bravery in the face of adversity. She fearlessly confronts challenges and dangers, often putting herself at risk to protect others or pursue what she believes is right. Sielle's willingness to face danger head-on and her ability to make tough decisions exemplify her unwavering bravery.   4. Respect for Nature and the Sea: Sielle's deep affinity for the sea and her connection to nature influence her philosophy. She recognizes the importance of respecting and protecting the environment, understanding that nature holds great power and should be preserved. Sielle strives to live in harmony with the natural world and acts as a steward of the seas she traverses.   5. Family and Community: Sielle's strong sense of duty to her family and community guides her actions. She prioritizes the well-being and safety of her loved ones and goes to great lengths to protect them. Sielle also feels a responsibility to her town and its people, establishing the Kheltic Knights guild as a means of serving and supporting her community.   6. Personal Growth and Redemption: Sielle believes in the potential for personal growth and redemption, both for herself and others. She recognizes that everyone is capable of change and improvement, and she extends second chances when warranted. Sielle's own journey from a rebellious runaway to a respected tavern owner and guild leader showcases her belief in the power of redemption and transformation.   Sielle's morality and philosophy are deeply rooted in her experiences, values, and the lessons she has learned throughout her life. Her actions are guided by a strong sense of honor, compassion, and a desire to make a positive impact on the world around her.   While Sielle McTavish has a strong sense of morality and honor, her time as a notorious pirate would have exposed her to behaviors that go against societal norms. It's important to note that these taboos would likely be more aligned with the pirate lifestyle and may not necessarily reflect Sielle's personal values. Here are five taboos that Sielle, as a pirate, woukd have participated in:   1. Theft and Plunder: As a pirate, Sielle would have participated in acts of theft and plunder, seizing valuables from ships or coastal towns.   2. Smuggling and Illegal Trade: Pirates often engaged in smuggling activities, transporting contraband goods such as illicit substances, stolen artifacts, or banned materials. These actions would be considered illegal and taboo in lawful societies.   3. Violence and Piracy: While Sielle may have been an honorable pirate, piracy itself involves acts of violence, including raiding ships, engaging in naval battles, and even capturing or killing those who opposed the pirate crew. These acts would be considered highly taboo in most societies.   4. Deception and Deceit: Pirates often relied on deception to gain an advantage or to infiltrate ships and coastal defenses. This could involve disguises, spreading false information, or manipulating others for their own gain. Such acts of deceit would be frowned upon in conventional settings.   5. Black Market Activities: Pirates may have engaged in black market transactions, selling stolen goods or participating in illicit markets that operate outside the bounds of legal systems. These activities would be considered taboo and illegal in most societies.   It's important to remember that Sielle's participation in these taboos would have been influenced by the pirate culture and lifestyle she embraced. However, as an individual, Sielle likely had her own personal moral boundaries and may have refrained from fully indulging in certain taboo behaviors, choosing to maintain her own code of honor within the pirate world.


As a person guided by her strong moral compass and sense of honor, Sielle McTavish would likely avoid engaging in or condoning activities that are considered taboo or morally unacceptable. Here are five taboos Sielle would steer clear of: 1. Betrayal: Sielle places a high value on loyalty and trust, and she would avoid any actions that involve betraying the trust of her crew, family, or close friends. Betrayal goes against her core principles, and she would strive to maintain the trust and faith others have placed in her.   2. Dishonesty: Sielle values integrity and honesty. She would refrain from engaging in deceitful or manipulative behavior, instead choosing to be truthful and transparent in her actions and communications. Honesty forms the foundation of her relationships, and she would avoid any actions that compromise that trust.   3. Exploitation and Oppression: Sielle believes in treating others with fairness, respect, and compassion. She would avoid engaging in or supporting any form of exploitation, oppression, or discrimination. Sielle would actively work against practices that harm or subjugate others, championing equality and justice.   4. Desecration of Nature: Sielle's deep connection to the sea and her respect for the environment would lead her to avoid any actions that contribute to the desecration or destruction of nature. She would strive to be a responsible steward of the seas and the natural world, avoiding practices that harm ecosystems or deplete resources.   5. Cowardice and Abandoning Responsibilities: Sielle embodies courage and bravery, and she would avoid acts of cowardice or abandoning her responsibilities in the face of challenges. She takes her commitments seriously, both to her crew and her community, and would courageously face difficult situations rather than shying away from them.   These five taboos align with Sielle's moral code and reflect her commitment to honor, loyalty, compassion, fairness, and respect. By avoiding these actions, Sielle upholds her principles and ensures that her actions align with her core values.   While Sielle McTavish has spent time as a pirate, it is important to note that her character is defined by honor, compassion, and a strong moral compass. However, to explore the contrast between her pirate life and her personal values, here are five taboos that Sielle may have participated in during her time as a pirate:   1. Piracy and Theft: As a pirate, Sielle may have participated in acts of piracy and theft, including raiding ships, looting valuables, and seizing goods that did not rightfully belong to her or her crew. While she may have rationalized these actions as part of her pirate lifestyle, they would still be considered taboo within the laws and norms of society.   2. Violence and Bloodshed: Sielle's combat skills and experience as a pirate would have involved engaging in acts of violence and bloodshed. While she may have employed her skills to defend herself and her crew, participating in battles and inflicting harm upon others would be considered taboo from a broader ethical standpoint.   3. Smuggling and Illegal Trade: Pirates often engage in smuggling and illegal trade, bypassing regulations and authorities to transport prohibited or contraband goods. Sielle may have been involved in these activities, knowingly breaking the law and contributing to illicit trade networks.   4. Deception and Manipulation: As a pirate, Sielle may have utilized deception and manipulation to achieve her goals. This could include disguising her identity, spreading false information, or tricking others for personal gain or strategic advantage.   5. Piracy-Related Crimes: While Sielle's character embodies honor and loyalty, it is possible that, as a pirate, she may have been involved in other crimes associated with piracy. These could include acts such as kidnapping, hostage-taking, or even acts of intimidation or violence towards innocent individuals caught in the crossfire of pirate activities.   It's important to note that Sielle's participation in these taboos would have been influenced by her context as a pirate and the challenges of survival and the pirate's code that governed her actions during that time. However, her personal growth and eventual transition to becoming a tavern owner and guild leader reflect her journey towards aligning with a more honorable and ethical path.

Personality Characteristics


Sielle McTavish's strong motivation comes from her deep love and devotion to her family and friends. Their well-being and happiness serve as her driving force, inspiring her to go to great lengths to help those in need. Sielle's compassionate nature extends beyond her immediate circle, as she readily extends her assistance to anyone who seeks it, embodying a selfless and caring demeanor. Furthermore, Sielle's generous spirit often leads her to surprise others with gifts she has acquired during her travels. These thoughtful gestures reflect her desire to share the wonders and treasures of the world with those around her, bringing joy and excitement into their lives. Her random acts of kindness and the unexpected nature of her gifts demonstrate her genuine generosity and the joy she finds in bringing happiness to others.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: 1. Navigational Expertise: Sielle possesses a keen sense of navigation, honed through her years as a sailor and pirate. She can read the stars, interpret weather patterns, and navigate treacherous waters with precision. 2. Swordsmanship: Sielle's skill with dual swords is exceptional. Her agility, speed, and deadly precision make her a formidable opponent in combat. 3. Leadership and Charisma: Sielle has a natural ability to inspire and rally those around her. Her leadership skills, combined with her magnetic personality, allow her to effectively guide and motivate others. 4. Resourcefulness: Sielle's experiences as a pirate have taught her to be resourceful, making the most of limited supplies and finding creative solutions to challenges. 5. Adaptability: Sielle is quick to adapt to new environments and situations, allowing her to navigate unfamiliar territories and face unexpected obstacles with confidence.   Ineptitudes: 1. Magic and Spellcasting: While Sielle's sister, Jania, specializes in magic as a warlock, Sielle herself does not possess innate magical abilities and relies more on her physical skills. 2. Diplomacy and Negotiation: Sielle's straightforward and direct nature may make diplomatic negotiations and delicate interpersonal interactions challenging for her. 3. Academic Knowledge: Sielle's education was primarily focused on practical skills and real-world experiences, so she may lack extensive knowledge in academic subjects and scholarly pursuits. 4. Stealth and Subtlety: Sielle's bold and courageous nature may hinder her ability to excel in stealthy operations or situations that require subtlety and covert maneuvers. 5. Crafting and Fine Arts: While Sielle enjoys making jewelry and leather crafts in her spare time, her skills in these areas may be more for personal enjoyment rather than professional-level craftsmanship.   It is important to note that while Sielle may have areas where she is less skilled, her strengths and experiences as a sailor, pirate, and tavern owner far outweigh her shortcomings, making her a capable and formidable character in her own right.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: 1. Adventure and Exploration: Sielle has an insatiable thirst for adventure and a love for exploring new places, discovering hidden treasures, and experiencing the thrill of the unknown. 2. The Sea: Sielle's deep connection to the sea is evident in her choice of career as a pirate. She finds solace, serenity, and a sense of freedom in the vast expanse of the ocean. 3. Loyalty and Camaraderie: Sielle values loyalty and cherishes the bonds she forms with her crew, family, and close friends. She finds joy in the strong sense of camaraderie and support that comes from being part of a united team. 4. Courage and Bravery: Sielle admires and respects those who display courage and bravery, especially in the face of adversity. She is drawn to individuals who are willing to take risks and stand up for what they believe in. 5. Stories and Legends: Sielle has a fondness for stories and legends, relishing in the tales of heroes, mythical creatures, and epic adventures. She enjoys sharing her own stories and hearing the tales of others.   Dislikes: 1. Betrayal and Deception: Sielle despises betrayal and deception. She finds it difficult to trust those who manipulate or betray the trust of others, as she places great value on loyalty and integrity. 2. Oppression and Injustice: Sielle has a strong sense of justice and stands firmly against oppression and injustice. She dislikes seeing the weak or innocent being mistreated and actively works to rectify such situations. 3. Cowardice and Dishonor: Sielle has little patience for cowardice or dishonorable behavior. She admires individuals who display bravery and integrity and dislikes those who act out of self-interest without considering the consequences of their actions. 4. Arrogance and Egoism: Sielle dislikes arrogance and egoism, finding humility and genuine kindness more admirable qualities. She appreciates individuals who are down-to-earth and treat others with respect and empathy. 5. Dull and Monotonous Routine: Sielle thrives on excitement and dislikes being confined to a monotonous routine. She seeks variety, new challenges, and the thrill of the unexpected, finding mundane and predictable circumstances tedious.   Sielle's likes and dislikes shape her character, values, and motivations, influencing her choices and actions as she navigates through her adventures and interacts with others.

Virtues & Personality perks

Virtues: 1. Courage: Sielle possesses unwavering bravery, fearlessly facing challenges and dangers in her pursuit of adventure and in protecting those she cares about. 2. Loyalty: Sielle's loyalty to her crew, family, and friends is unwavering. She stands by them through thick and thin, always ready to support and defend them. 3. Compassion: Sielle's compassionate nature drives her to help others and alleviate their suffering. She goes out of her way to assist those in need, showing empathy and understanding. 4. Determination: Sielle's determination and resilience are key virtues that fuel her pursuit of her goals. She perseveres in the face of adversity, refusing to give up. 5. Leadership: Sielle possesses natural leadership qualities. She inspires and rallies those around her, guiding them with a firm yet compassionate hand.   Perks: 1. Dual-Wielding Mastery: Sielle's proficiency in dual-wielding swords gives her a significant advantage in combat. She can swiftly and skillfully engage multiple opponents, striking with deadly precision. 2. Navigation Expertise: Sielle's navigational skills allow her to traverse treacherous waters and unfamiliar terrains with ease. She can read the stars, interpret weather patterns, and find her way in even the most challenging environments. 3. Resourcefulness: Sielle's resourcefulness enables her to make the most of limited supplies and find creative solutions to problems. She can adapt to various situations and make use of available resources to overcome obstacles. 4. Charismatic Presence: Sielle's magnetic personality and natural charisma make her a captivating presence. She can rally and inspire others with ease, garnering their support and cooperation. 5. Adventurous Spirit: Sielle's love for adventure and her readiness to explore the unknown grant her a sense of fearlessness and a willingness to take risks. She is always prepared for new challenges and embraces the excitement that comes with venturing into uncharted territories.   These virtues and perks define Sielle's character, shaping her actions, interactions, and impact on the world around her. They contribute to her success as a pirate, tavern owner, and leader, making her an influential and respected figure in her community.

Vices & Personality flaws

While Sielle McTavish possesses many virtues and strengths, she is not without her vices and flaws. These aspects add depth and complexity to her character:   Vices: 1. Impulsiveness: Sielle's adventurous spirit can sometimes lead her to act impulsively without considering the potential consequences. Her eagerness to dive into new experiences may occasionally cloud her judgment or lead to hasty decisions. 2. Stubbornness: Sielle's determination and strong will can manifest as stubbornness at times. Once she has made up her mind, it can be challenging to sway her from her chosen path, even when alternative perspectives or solutions may be more beneficial. 3. Recklessness: Sielle's fearlessness can occasionally border on recklessness, especially in the heat of battle or when pursuing daring feats. Her willingness to take risks without fully assessing the potential dangers can put her and those around her in peril. 4. Restlessness: Sielle's adventurous nature and constant craving for new experiences can make it difficult for her to find contentment in settled or routine circumstances. She may struggle with feelings of restlessness and a yearning for the next great adventure. 5. Bluntness: Sielle's straightforward and direct nature can sometimes come across as blunt or lacking tact. While she values honesty, her tendency to speak her mind without considering the impact on others' feelings may unintentionally cause offense or hurt.   Flaws: 1. Trust Issues: Sielle's past experiences, particularly in her time as a pirate, have left her with some trust issues. She may find it challenging to trust others completely, especially those who exhibit characteristics reminiscent of past betrayals. 2. Impatience: Sielle's impulsive nature and eagerness for action can make patience a struggle. She may become frustrated or agitated when faced with situations that require time and careful planning, preferring more immediate solutions. 3. Difficulty with Rules and Authority: Sielle's free-spirited nature can make it difficult for her to adhere to strict rules and guidelines. She may resist authority figures or find it challenging to conform to societal expectations that limit her sense of freedom. 4. Tendency to Take on Too Much: Sielle's desire to help others and her strong sense of responsibility can lead to her taking on more than she can handle. She may struggle to delegate tasks or ask for assistance, potentially overwhelming herself in the process. 5. Restlessness: Sielle's adventurous spirit and constant thirst for new experiences can make it challenging for her to find contentment or long-term stability. She may find it difficult to settle into a more conventional or mundane lifestyle, always yearning for the excitement of the next grand adventure.   These vices and flaws make Sielle a more multi-dimensional character, adding depth and complexity to her personality. They create opportunities for growth, as Sielle navigates her journey, learns from her experiences, and strives to overcome her limitations.

Personality Quirks

Sielle McTavish has a few distinctive ticks and quirks that add to her unique character:   1.Knot-Tying: When deep in thought or contemplating a problem, Sielle has a habit of absentmindedly tying knots. Whether it's with a piece of string, a rope, or even her own hair, she finds solace and comfort in the rhythmic act of knotting, a symbolic representation of her ability to unravel and solve complex challenges.   2. Sea Shanty Humming: Sielle often catches herself humming sea shanties or lively tunes associated with her pirate days. The rhythmic melodies remind her of the adventures at sea and bring a sense of nostalgia and excitement to her daily life.   3. Restless Pacing: Sielle has a tendency to pace back and forth when she's feeling restless or contemplating her next move. It's her way of releasing pent-up energy and finding clarity in her thoughts.   4. Collecting Mementos: Sielle has a penchant for collecting small mementos or trinkets from her travels or significant moments in her life. These items serve as reminders of her adventures and hold sentimental value to her.   5. Strong Eye Contact: Sielle has a habit of maintaining intense eye contact when engaging in conversations or discussions. This unwavering gaze reflects her focus, determination, and the importance she places on truly connecting with others.   6. Knuckle Cracking: During moments of tension or anticipation, Sielle may crack her knuckles as a way to release nervous energy and prepare herself for what lies ahead. It has become somewhat of a subconscious habit for her.   7. Quirky Superstitions: Sielle has a few quirky superstitions that she abides by, often rooted in seafaring traditions or pirate folklore. These beliefs may involve lucky charms, specific rituals before setting sail, or avoiding certain actions or words to ward off bad luck.   8. Quick Wit and Sarcasm: Sielle has a sharp wit and a penchant for sarcastic remarks. She often injects humor into conversations with clever comebacks or dry remarks, showcasing her quick thinking and playful nature.   These ticks and quirks contribute to Sielle's individuality and make her a memorable character. They add depth and authenticity, highlighting her unique personality traits and the idiosyncrasies that make her who she is.


Family Ties

Sielle McTavish has two sisters, Jaliea and Jania.    1. Jaliea McTavish: Jaliea is Sielle's younger sister. Resembling Sielle greatly, Jaliea specializes in the healing arts. She is a skilled practitioner of restorative magic, herbalism, and potion-making. Jaliea's gentle and caring nature complements Sielle's adventurous spirit, and together they form a formidable bond.   2. Jania McTavish: Jania is Sielle's other younger sister. Unlike Sielle and Jaliea, Jania delves into the world of magic as a secretive Warlock. She harnesses dark and forbidden powers, specializing in the arcane arts. Jania's mysterious and enigmatic nature contrasts with Sielle's straightforwardness, adding depth and intrigue to their sisterly dynamic.   The three sisters, Sielle, Jaliea, and Jania, form a powerful and complementary trio, each contributing unique skills and perspectives to their endeavors. They share a deep bond and support one another in their individual pursuits, making their familial connection a source of strength and unity.

Religious Views

While the majority of Kheltland follows the faith of Fae-theism, Sielle McTavish holds a unique devotion to the Sea Queen, known in Kheltland as "Muirnála," which translates to "Lady of the Sea" in the Kheltic language. Sielle's connection with the sea and her experiences as a pirate have led her to develop a deep reverence for the powerful and enigmatic Sea Queen.   As a worshiper of Muirnála, Sielle recognizes the immense influence and dominion the goddess holds over the seas and its creatures. Sielle seeks the Sea Queen's protection and blessings during her voyages, believing that Muirnála's favor can bring calm waters, favorable winds, and safe passages. Sielle also understands the unpredictable nature of the Sea Queen, acknowledging her capacity for both benevolence and cruelty, much like the ever-changing nature of the sea itself.   Sielle's worship of the Sea Queen does not conflict with the general beliefs of Kheltland's Fae-theism. The Kheltland people, known for their deep connection to nature and the spirits of the land, honor the Fae and seek their guidance and protection. While Sielle may not actively participate in the rituals and traditions associated with Fae-theism, she maintains a respect for the Fae spirits and the interconnectedness of nature.   Sielle's devotion to the Sea Queen adds an intriguing dynamic to her character, reflecting her deep affinity for the sea and her unique spiritual beliefs. It sets her apart from the majority of Kheltland's inhabitants, as she finds solace and guidance in the presence of the enigmatic and powerful Lady of the Sea, Muirnála.

Social Aptitude

Sielle McTavish is a highly social and confident individual, particularly when surrounded by friends or embarking on an adventure. Her vibrant personality and natural charisma allow her to easily engage with others and create a lively and welcoming atmosphere. Sielle thrives in social settings, enjoying the company of her companions and the camaraderie that comes with shared experiences. In social gatherings, Sielle exudes confidence, readily striking up conversations and fostering connections with those around her. Her adventurous spirit and the tales of her exploits at sea make her a captivating storyteller, captivating her audience and drawing them into her world of thrilling adventures. Sielle's self-assured nature enables her to navigate social interactions with ease, displaying a genuine interest in others and making them feel comfortable in her presence.   When embarking on an adventure, Sielle's confidence shines even brighter. Her belief in her own abilities, combined with her experience and skills as a pirate, makes her a natural leader and a reliable companion. Sielle embraces challenges with enthusiasm, approaching them with a positive mindset and a fearless determination. Her confidence in herself and her team inspires trust and encourages others to push beyond their own limits.   However, it's important to note that Sielle's confidence may waver in unfamiliar or unfamiliar situations where she lacks expertise or encounters unexpected obstacles. Nonetheless, her overall social prowess and confidence contribute to her charismatic nature, making her a captivating and inspiring presence in any social or adventurous setting.


Sielle McTavish possesses a distinctive set of mannerisms that reflect her personality and experiences: 1. Commanding Presence: Sielle carries herself with a commanding presence, exuding confidence and authority. She stands tall, shoulders back, projecting an air of strength and determination. Her posture conveys her self-assured nature and serves as a visual representation of her leadership qualities.   2. Expressive Gestures: Sielle is known for her expressive gestures while speaking or recounting stories. Her hands move with purpose, emphasizing her words and adding an extra layer of excitement and energy to her storytelling. Whether illustrating a battle scene or describing a breathtaking view, Sielle's gestures captivate her audience and bring her tales to life.   3. Intense Eye Contact: Sielle maintains intense eye contact when engaging in conversation. She locks her vibrant green eyes onto the person she's speaking to, making them feel seen and heard. This unwavering gaze conveys her attentiveness and sincerity, creating a strong connection with those she interacts with.   4. Quick Wit and Humor: Sielle possesses a sharp wit and a quick sense of humor. She often interjects witty remarks or playful banter into conversations, lightening the mood and eliciting laughter. Her humor is both warm and teasing, allowing her to foster a sense of camaraderie and create a lighthearted atmosphere.   5. Direct Communication: Sielle is known for her direct and straightforward communication style. She doesn't shy away from speaking her mind or expressing her opinions openly. Her words are concise, yet impactful, and she values honest and transparent conversations, often cutting through pretenses and getting to the heart of the matter.   6. Active Listening: When engaged in a conversation, Sielle actively listens to the person speaking. She leans in, nods in understanding, and provides verbal affirmations to show her attentiveness and genuine interest. Sielle makes others feel valued and heard, fostering a sense of connection and building strong relationships.   These mannerisms, from Sielle's commanding presence and expressive gestures to her intense eye contact and direct communication, contribute to her dynamic and engaging personality. They reflect her confidence, leadership qualities, and ability to captivate those around her, making her a compelling and memorable character.

Hobbies & Pets

Sielle McTavish has two beloved hobbies that she enjoys in her spare time: 1. Jewel Crafting: Sielle finds solace and creative expression in the art of jewel crafting. She delights in working with various gemstones, metals, and intricate designs to create beautiful and unique pieces of jewelry. Whether crafting necklaces, earrings, or bracelets, Sielle's creations reflect her vibrant personality and serve as a testament to her craftsmanship.   2. Leatherworking: Another hobby that Sielle is passionate about is leatherworking. She enjoys working with leather, honing her skills in crafting belts, pouches, and other accessories. Sielle takes pride in the meticulous attention to detail required for leatherworking, creating functional and stylish items that showcase her craftsmanship and add to her personal style.   Additionally, Sielle has a pet Magpie named Eggbert. Magpies are known for their fondness for shiny objects, and Sielle's connection with her pet reflects her love for treasures and her affinity for the avian creatures she encountered during her time at sea. Eggbert serves as a loyal and mischievous companion, often accompanying Sielle on her adventures and adding an element of charm to her daily life.

Wealth & Financial state

Sielle McTavish's character is not driven by a strong desire for wealth or material possessions. While she recognizes the importance of resources for survival and supporting her crew and family, she does not prioritize the accumulation of wealth for its own sake. Instead, Sielle values experiences, relationships, and personal growth over material wealth. As a pirate and adventurer, Sielle finds fulfillment in the thrill of the journey, the pursuit of new horizons, and the bonds she forms with her crew and loved ones. She understands that true wealth lies in the richness of these experiences, the loyalty of her companions, and the impact she can make in the lives of others.   Sielle's focus on personal fulfillment and the well-being of those around her often outweighs any desire for material gain. She may view wealth as a means to support herself and those she cares about, but it is not the primary driving force in her life. Instead, Sielle's priorities lie in seeking adventure, fostering strong relationships, and leaving a positive impact on the world through her actions and deeds.
Current Status
Running her guild and the McTavish Tavern, waiting for the next great adventure.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady, Kheltic Lady
Current Residence
Dunhaven in Kheltland
bright, green
wavy, firey red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
135 lbs
Worships the Sea Queen
Known Languages
Kheltic (native), Sea Dwarf, Dark Elf, Ramal, and Ghaellin
Ruled Locations

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