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Darren   Archmage   Half-Elf, Male   Age: 91, 1259-?   History   Darren was born to his father Varren on Half-Lit island in the year 1259. His father was magically gifted and transferred his arcane talents to his son when he was a baby. Varren taught Darren all sorts of things about the arcane arts in how it related to music, but Darren wasn't interested in music. Darren liked books. Darren Studied in Acadamy of Mystery in Half-Lit Island. It became quickly apparent that Darren was on another level when it came to magic. While Darren was studying at the Academy his mother passed away, this was in the year of 1288. Varrens father was never the same after that and Darren didn't see him much after that. His father tried to give Darren a legendary Artifact known as the Time Gee-tar but Darren didn't want it, Darren thought his own work was far more important than music. Varren left him then, while Darren completed his schooling in the academy. Years later in 1299, Darren's father had crossed the line. He raped and then killed one of Darren's classmates, Mia. Darren was planning to marry her and this flew Darren into a rage. Darren challenged his Father to a battle, the following battle caused havoc in Half-Lit Island, but Darren was successful. He wasn't able to finish off Varren but Darren made him flee to commit his atrocities elsewhere. Darren then was known as the protector of Half-Lit Island, though he was a strange one. He set up his own lab separate from the academy. Darren was eventually called into questioning about the disappearance of the Archmage. Darren was eventually of the hook when some adventurers proved his innocence. Darren eventually fought in the battle against Septimus and collected many of Septimus's dangerous secrets after he was killed. Darren then left and stayed on Half-Lit island becoming the new Arch-mage who watched over the safety of all.   Personality   Darren is all business, he very rarely gets emotional and generally acts like he is better than everyone else. Darren enjoys arcane magic and experiments often inventing new spells or modifying older ones. Darren cares deeply about Half-Lit Island and dislikes anyone who insults it.

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