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Hidon   Population: 4003   Races: Aasimar, Human, Elves, Goliaths   Status: Moderate   History   Hidon was settled by Goliath settlers in the year 91 after the tragedy of Half Lit Island. Hidon was built around a cave that the Goliaths called the living cave. The living cave granted fertile crops and bountiful harvests to the Goliaths. In the year 590, a group of Assimar adventurers secretively journeyed into the life cave and put up a magical barrier sealing the entrance so that only the true of the heart may enter. Later that same group of adventurers seemed to have a major personality switched and organized the settlement under their rule. They established major worship of the god Sune and founded The Dancing Heart. In the year 765 an Assimar ruler known as Karn got corrupted by a dark mage who hated Goliaths. The ruler saw to it that most of the Goliaths and their culture were decimated, though some small groups try and preserve the old ways.   Description   Hidon lies hidden within a valley nuzzled in between some of the tallest mountains in Astiria. During the warmer seasons, rainfall is very common in the area. The crops in the area are very bountiful even after the cave was sealed. Hidon itself has a large castle built into the side of the mountain. with a layered city below, where most of the commoners live. The large temple of Sune hovers in the lower section of town towering over the other buildings. The cathedral itself has several stages and ball rooms, with its design meant to amplify sound.

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