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Pagna   Wizard, Order of the Nine speaker   Nagpa, Male   Age 2053, -700-?   History   Pagna was once an elvish man who served The Raven Queen once the Queen gave the order for them to perform a ritual in order to make The Raven Queen a diety, Pagnas loyalty began to falter. He and 8 other mages saw that they could divert some of the power of the ritual into themselves. They put a curse on the ritual that cause the Queen and her followers to be dragged into the Shadowfell where she was killed instantly. However, thanks to her recently acquired divine powers, the queen rose from the ashes and, in her growing madness and grief, transformed the wizards into wretched avian forms known as nagpas, and banished them forever to wander the planes. The plane that Pagna wound up at was Vardano, where he and the other members set up The Order of The Nine, an organization to take back their lost power. He arrived in Vardano in the year 708. Much later in the year 1301 he kidnapped Velvitta and stashed her in Oakvil Mansion in order to lure Alistair in, who was a known servant of the Raven Queen at the time. This didn't work and instead, Alyvn Nyx showed up to rescue Velvitta, which Pagna allowed. Since then he went into hiding, not showing his face publicly again.   Personality   Pagna is not a charismatic fellow but he does show people proper manners. He knows when he is defeated and doesn't try and follow through with plans if there is an issue, waiting for a better chance is a far more reasonable solution. He is cautious and does not have much of a pride.

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