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Varren   Entertainer   Elven Male   Age: 352, 949-1301   History:   Varren was born on Half-Lit island, in the year 949. Varren grew up around magical forces and once he fell into a force pool his life was changed forever. The magic surged through him and made himself some sort of a super being, Varren did not ask for this power and retreated to his own company for many a year. During this time he developed soothing tunes with his music and realized that he could use his magical prowess to control music. Varren sang and played nearly every instrument on the books, until one day he fell in love with a human maiden who was only 19. They were a couple for many years and lived happily. They had a son who was born in 1259, who was named Darren. Varren loved the child more than anything and when the boy was only a few months old he transferred his arcane energy into his son, with a long-lasting song that took course over 2 weeks. Varren emerged a much weaker man after that. His wife was getting old however and on a cold winter night in 1288. She passed away, this dove Varren into outrage and caused him to retreat to the streets and taverns around, performing his heart out. One one of those days he caught the eye of the wizard Septimus. Septimus liked Varren's recklessness and bombacity, so as a gift he rewarded Varren with the Time Gee-tar. Varren fell in love for the second time that day. Years of using the guitar had shown Varren the songs of the past, while they were beautiful, the songs changed something in Varrens previous stature, he was no longer the same elf. Varren decided to gift the Guitar to his son Darren so that Darren could research the songs of the future. Darren would not accept the gift claiming that his work was far more important than children's music. Varren flew into a rage, and used the guitar for his own gain and seduced the maidens of Half-Lit island. Most of the people he seduced, he killed out of anger, they were never quite good enough to have shared a bed with him. In the year 1299 Varren was challenged by Darren. There was a battle unlike any other with dozens of casualties. Magic and Music in a true battle for power. The father and son were evenly matched, while Darren had the people of Half-Lit on his side, Varren had the guitar.  Darren cried out during the battle "You never even loved mom!". Varren paused for a moment tears swelling in his eyes at what he was doing to his own son. Varren fled Half-Lit Island to a cave outside of Elkruni, Darren never persued. He tricked out that cave to be a rad place where all music could be properly enjoyed, and perhaps only he should enjoy it. Varren kidnapped people to torture and listen to his tunes periodically however this kidnapping spree eventually lead to his downfall.   Personality:   Varren was a laughing cocky individual, who always wanted to put on a show and entertain everyone around him. Varren was attractive and blunt about the way he spoke. Varren was a good husband and a loving father. After Darren was awarded the Time Gee-tar he was irrationally cocky and friendly and put on a show even when he was confronted in battle, even when he was relaxing in his own home.     Death:    Varren kidnapped someone from Elkruni, and this time he was unfortunate enough to have a group of adventurers look into this kidnapping. The Marvoulous Merchants found Varren in his hidden cave, and they commenced battle against him. Varren was tough, but he drained most of his power into previous battles and gave much of it to his son. Varren was killed by the Marvoulous Merchants in his hidden musical den.

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