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Fortunate Fukuro

Chapter I: Fortunate, or Unfortunate?

  During the dawn of man, everything changed for all wildlife. They were hunted, captured, traded, and some species went extinct such as the Gryphon.   There was a species of Owl known as the Black-Speckled Owl which has pure white feathers with black spots. This species of Owl was very rare and praised by many, but hunted by more. By 396 AC, they became an endangered species and were put under protection. That didn't stop the poachers though and by 412 AC there were less than 10 reported to still be alive. Eikthyrnir, The God of Life was deeply troubled by this and wanted to help. He connected to the remaining owls and gave them increased sentience, making them more intelligent and able to understand languages.   Sadly the intervention of Eikthyrnir didn't do much to prevent the extinction and by 427 AC, there was only 1 that could be reported to be alive. Eikthyrnir refused to let the species go extinct, he connected to the remaining owl and transported it to The Spirit World , where it would be safe to live.   Due to the owl being a mortal being, it's presence in the spirit world prevented it from being able to hunt and survive on its own. Eikthyrnir only had one choice in order to keep the species alive, he killed the owl. However, if a mortal being is killed in The Spirit World, then it becomes a spirit and is able to physically interact with other things in The Spirit World.  

Chapter II: Fukuro

  As a result of becoming a spirit, the last black-speckled owl would live forever in The Spirit World, and because of the increased sentience, it understood the concept and passage of time, meaning it became bored and often questioned its own existence. Eikthyrnir would constantly monitor it and check-in. That was the owl's only source of entertainment, the rest of the time it would just fly around, hunt, and sleep. Eikthyrnir wanted to help it have more meaning, so he named it Fukuro. This made Fukuro overwhelmed with joy, and thanked Eikthyrnir for everything.   For thousands of years, Fukuro would fly around the spirit world and take everything in and discover new places, species, and gods.  

Chapter III: Kimon's Promise

  Fukuro's existence had no meaning if it was stuck and confined to the spirit world for all eternity, she was sad that she would never find a purpose. One day she flew into the captured souls region, which was very far from anything else she recognized. As she flew through, she could hear all the voices, screams, shouts, cries, and all the other noises of torment from the lost souls confined to the region. Eventually, she flew too close, and Kimon grabbed her. Fukuro explained her situation and story to Kimon saying that she had no purpose and wound up in his region due to boredom. Kimon became intrigued and made an offer to Fukuro saying that if she served him, he would give her meaning and a reason to exist. Fukuro jumped straight at the chance to have a purpose, regardless of the consequences.   A few years later, Kimon made contact with a woman in The Hinami Empire, Yukio Katsue. After being rejected, Kimon was furious and wanted to exact revenge. He offered Yukio Katsue Fukuro as a means to spy on her and find a way to get Yukio to serve him, to which she accepted. From that point onwards, Fukuro's tether to Yukio meant she could go inbetween the spirit world and physical world at will, but she was unable to interfere with the physical world since she was still a spirit. Fukuro would assist Yukio on her journeys, help her any way she could in battles, and give Yukio some company all while collecting information on her to relay to Kimon.


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