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Material Characteristics

The physical appearance of the raw material changes between a matte and glossy texture based on the temperature of the surrounding air/water.

Physical & Chemical Properties

When the material is refined, a temperature match can be created. During the process, temperature matching can be achieved by pouring the liquid form onto something with a specific base temperature ie. the human body and as it cools down it will meet the desired temperature and maintain it forever. Mainly used as an underlayer when paired with armour as the material is not very strong.

Geology & Geography

Found specifically in one secluded location, Ceohr's Cavern as an ore in the mountain.

Origin & Source

Lazite Ore

Life & Expiration

The temperature match of the refined Lazite will last forever

History & Usage


Used by The Order of Seven when they pushed The Northern Raiders back from their homes in the freezing snowy tundras and mountains of North Helgavatn and Fellsskogar as a means of keeping their more highly ranked officers and elite fighters at a stable temperature so they could not be slowed by the harsh climate.


First discovered by Elias Urien upon arrival at Vardenfel when investigating the religios site ofCeohr's Cavern.

Everyday use

Used as a base layer of high ranking/elite units of the military to keep them at normal bodily temperature, even in extremely harsh conditions.

Industrial Use

The Lazite is super heated to about 3800°C and then poured onto a live human being to make a temperature match. The process would kill the human instantly but the second the metal touched the skin it matches. Once temperature matched, it can be melted back down and reshaped or forged into something completely different while maintaining the temperature when it cools back down.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

The refinement process creates deadly fumes that could kill a human in minutes


If heated over 3900°C there is a chance of spontaneous combustion, and the chance gets higher the further the temperatures rise.


Trade & Market

A very rare and hard to manufacture material makes it very hard for people to create. It fetches a pretty penny in the criminal underworld trade and is favoured by bounty hunters, geographers, and the like.

Law & Regulation

The material is not in mainstream circulation, the only way for non-military vendors to get their hands on it is by scavenging battlefields or robbing it from a storage depot.
23,500 gold per 2.5 Kg ingot
Extremely Rare
Dark blue with pulsating lighter blue specks
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State
As a solid ore
Related Locations

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