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The Dormant Army

One of the most elite and intimidating forces used by the ancient Zhangwu empire, they were rarely called upon and it is assumed that they never suffered a single loss. Sometime between the years 1100 AC and 1200 AC, the army stumbled upon hallowed ground and unrecorded events lead them to become cursed with immortality. The commanders that were overseeing all operations carried out by the army, seemingly lost control over them and they became independent, only taking orders directly from the emperor themselves, but there was a condition to those orders. They were only to be called upon during dire circumstances like the palace being under siege.   The army would remain and still remains to this day, locked in an extremely secure tomb located deep into a large mountain, impenetrable from the outside. The soldiers inside enter a form of hibernation until they are needed, then return back to their previous state until summoned again.







All units march in a single wave with 3 layers, sweeping across the battlefield. They use intimidation by show of force and slowly trap them in the middle of their massive ring, slowly closing in. As the ring grows smaller, the ring gains more layers and each individual unit strikes in unison with the rest.


Trained under the most brutal commanders from the ancient Zhangwu armies.
901 AC
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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