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The Church of the Silent Heart

"Do you know what makes mankind unique? We are the only species that actively seeks to evolve itself. When mankind was young we saw our limitations, and overcame them. When mankind was cold, we did not wait for evolution to give us fur and warm us. We made fire, and warmed ourselves. When mankind was hungry, we did not wait for evolution to give us claws to feed us. We sharpened rocks and sticks, and fed ourselves. When mankind was sick, we did not wait for evolution to make our bodies stronger and cure us. We made medicine, and cured ourselves. And so mankind grew. Conquered. Dominated everyone and everything around us. And for a time, that was enough.   But now, mankind finds itself limited again. Limited by the self imposed lie of morality. By keeping ourselves slave to our emotions - to our baser instincts. By putting our faith in the myth of the divine. By losing control of ourselves, and then of the world.   Over time, mankind has forgotten its most fundamental commandment. We are here to remind them of it. For we are not the men shivering in the cold, waiting for fur. We are the men who made fire. We are mankind's next evolution. And just as our forefathers before us were...we will be unstoppable. You can either join us, or we will crush you too."               The Church of the Silent Heart - believes that emotion is weakness and true power lies in the rabid pursuit of expansion and progress, without regard for morality. Rather than piety, or morality, the highest thing you can achieve is complete control of yourself, and the complete domination of others.   Potential sayings -   "Ruin befalls the Blind, and greatness to the Silent."   "Never conquered, ever Feared."   "Forwards, ever forwards."   "Conquest and vigilance, through silence and steel."   "And still they rise."   "Undeniable, Unbreakable, and Detached."   "Distant, and yet upon them."   "The grey of stone, the strength of steel, and the chill of Silence."   "Impassive, and immovable."       We are inevitable We are unstoppable   Free from emotion Free from fear     A conqueror chooses, only a slave obeys the whim of another       Priest: I pledge myself. Follower: I pledge myself.   P: To the church that showed me the way.   F: To the Silent and the Watchful, in the dawning of the day.   P: To my heart being ever empty.   F: To my gaze being ever clear.   P: To my blood being ever cold.   F: And to never be bound by fear.   P: To halt elation’s chorus.   F: To smother grief and rage   P: To silence hope and passion.   F: And to place them in a cage.   P: I pledge myself to conquer   F: First myself and then the world.   P: To hide our strength and power.   F: Until at last it is unfurled.   P: I pledge myself to Silence.   F: And to the church I pray.   P & F: That my Silence remains unbroken, at the dawning of the day   “O little one, My little one, Come with me, Your life is done. Forget the future, Forget the past. Life is over: Breathe your last.”   “Walls have ears. Doors have eyes. Trees have voices. Beasts tell lies. Beware the rain. Beware the snow. Beware the man You think you know.”


The Church of the Silent Heart is a theocracy - every citizen is a member of the Church, and the Church's teachings permeate every facet of life, from work to actual religious practice. Members attain one of three grades as they progress spiritually. Every citizen is a member of the Church, and thus every citizen has such a grade. Though roles in society aren't divided up based on this grade per se, only the Unattached are considered ready for leadership positions, especially high ranking ones.   When a new member enters the Church they begin as one of the Aphonic, and begin the process of detaching themselves. The Aphonic do not yet participate in most Church rituals, but spend nearly all of their time working, and then in Church courses and education programs. Each Aphonic is assigned a Spiritual Head (SH), who is a more experienced member who monitors their progress, reports on their development to Church leaders, and provides counsel. Becoming a SH is considered quite the honor, as the initial stages of detachment are considered to be of the utmost importance, and are often the most challenging for new members.   There is one Church ritual which the Aphonic do participate in, and which is arguably the Church's most important. Called Nikte, the old tongue's word for "examining", Nikte is is the ritual through which the Silent detach themselves. This ritual is practiced by all members of the Church, regardless of spiritual grade, and is a fundamental part of the Silent's worship. Members are required to take Nikte twice a week for as long as they're physically capable of doing so.   Once an Aphonic's SH feels they've made enough progress in detaching themselves, they may be recommended for the next spiritual grade. If, after a review of the Aphonic's Nikte records, the priesthood determines they are ready to become one of the Distant, the member undergoes a rite of passage, and is admitted to the next spiritual grade. This advancement represents not only spiritual progress, but a deepening commitment to the Church as well.   The Distant participate in virtually all church rituals, save for the few that only the Unattached may partake in. This is the grade in which most Church members can be found, and where the Silent will usually spend the most time. It is only once a Distant has mastered true control of themselves, and is able to complete Nikte without faltering or reacting that the priesthood will consider making them one of the Unattached.   For the Church of the Silent Heart, to become one of the Unattached is to achieve enlightenment. The process of detachment is complete, the Silent has truly mastered themselves and silenced their heart against intrusion, temptation, fear, pain, and emotion.


The Silent Heart doesn't have a separate priesthood.

Unstoppable. Unbreakable. Inevitable.

Founding Date
1215 ACA
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
The Silent and Still
The Silent
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy

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