Mushroom Goblins

The Mushroom Goblins, originally named the Purple Goblins, are a race of purple-skinned goblins known for the mastery of fungi cultivation, including hallucinogenic and other useful mushrooms. Created by Ateus during the Age of Creation, they were the first sentient species and originally inhabited the Northern Mushroom Forest before settling in the Terraced Hills.   They invited the Goliaths to settle near them and taught the Mushroom Masters to cultivate fungi, leading to the creation of the Sporekings, who later invaded the Mushroom Kingdom and Truffletown in the War of the Mushroom Forests.
Creator: Ateus
First Appearance: Age of Creation
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Homeland: Northern Mushroom Forest
Terraced Hills
Civilizations: Mushroom Kingdom
Advanced Technologies: Mushroom Farming, Fungi Ranching 
Orders: Fungal Mastery Guild


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