
Oni are a large, blue-skinned sentient race known for their mastery of magic and the utter destruction of their homeland and civilization. Created by Astra on the floating island of Godshome in the Shimmering Sea during the Age of Ancients, they were the first race to use true arcane magic. The Oni are now rarely-encountered and have no significant political presence in the world.
  Originally an inward-focused scholarly species, the avatar of Rafna created the Obsidian Hex, a faction of evil, power-hungry sorcerers, who took control of their civilization using the Hexblights, powerful magical artifacts that drained the power of the crystals in the floating island.   The Oni made an alliance with and then betrayed the Forgefathers, crossing a magical bridge that they had created in order to kidnap expert Goliath miners who would be able to mine the magical crystals that they were dependent on for magical power. The miners were later rescued by the Humans of Shimmerdam during the Rescue of the Forgefathers.   The Source of Magic and the crystals keeping the island afloat were eventually drained and corrupted entirely, causing the island to crash down violently.
Creator: Astra
First Appearance: Age of Ancients
Alignment: Lawful Evil (originally LN)
Homeland: Godshome
Civilizations: Sezune (destroyed)
Advanced Technologies: Magic
Orders: Obsidian Hex, Astral Order


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