Impassable Mist Geographic Location in Varitinera | World Anvil
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Impassable Mist


A dark expanse of water dividing Fret from the rest of Trenzar   Light fails to pierce beneath the surface, the ominous atmosphere warding off even the bravest of Morcant. The darkness giving way to the pitch black of an abyss.

Localized Phenomena

Thick zero visibility fog covers the sea. The rough surface of the water tosses any ships attempting to pass in all directions leaving the travelers hopelessly lost.   Morcant who have managed to study it determined that the area is suffering from a disruption to the cycle. They have yet to find out the real cause, but it does explain the high fthorskotos population and lack of life. It is also noted that during the fall and winter months there is an obvious lack of lights reinforcing these findings.

Fauna & Flora

Populated by Fthorskotos any individual entering the mist that survives the rough seas falls victim to the beasts. Other wildlife avoid the area due to the danger and lack of sustenance.


In the past Veldt used to send expeditions to investigate what lay beyond, all of which failed. It was determined a waste of resources and written off as a no travel zone. Noord having observed the results from Veldt, sent only a few interested parties before writing the area off as well.   Isola still makes attempts at passing every few cycles.


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