Swift Ascent Spell in Varitinera | World Anvil
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Swift Ascent

  A common ability used by many individuals. How it functions or manifests will be different depending on the users type.  
  • Type W are the most commonly known users, often going as far as giving others a lift. The more magically inclined the wider the radius of the spell elevating everything inside with a strong updraft.
  • Type S is known for using it to quickly return to the surface of the water after deep dives. This is also an ability that is shared by both Morcant and Creaviae.
  • Type L allows the user to propel itself upwards for a short distance before gliding.
  • Type F will heat the air under the wings to lift themselves from the ground. This will not raise them up as quickly, but will make it easier to catch air currents. This can only be used on other type Fs to reduce risk of burns.
  • Type E manifests as levitation, allowing the user to catch air currents. Non type Es standing to close to the caster might be in for a sudden but harmless shock.


Allows the user to quickly take to the air.
Gestures & Ritual
Spread wings out while jumping.
Effect Casting Time
Basic - anyone rank 2 and above
Applied Restriction
Can only be used by adults, the young simply aren't developed enough to attempt it.


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