Vain She Elf Item in Varna | World Anvil

Vain She Elf (Vain She Elf)

In an attempt to frighten their children into behaving, mothers of the common folk often tell stories of wraiths and vampiric monsters that stalk the lands by night, in the depts of the forest of Varna. One such tale is the "Vain She Elf" of the Black Reach Company. It is a tragic tale of what vanity may turn us into, when we cherish it above all else. This affection grows slowly to elven maidens who have not humbled themselves before the elven goddess of nature, Frija. One "eyewitness" accounted the following; “I had yet to see ten winters pass by Me, when on a warm spring morning, an unknown traveler appeared. They asked if I would keep a rusty sword safe for them, while they were away on serious matters of state. I was surely vexed over the queer request. But My father and mother raised Me to aid those how are My better. And I know a knight when I see one. Heroic, dark hair, like that of those Legio's of Emperor Lucius Vorenus. The resolve in his eyes told me right away, he was of the utmost seriousness with the matter. I asked when he might return for his... sword. I must be plain, it looked like a rubbish sword for a knight. I also figured it'd make for a bit of fun with the other children, but back to it! This man... or maybe elf (I wasn't able to see his ears from my vantage), mentioned he'd return for it after his matters ‘north’. I know littles of the north, but father always stories on the goings on up there. He was a scout for Governor Marcus Antonius's army. Many times my father went that way. He always told me, ‘Milo, son, you might see in your lifetime things of which haven't been witnessed in these lands for generations. Beyond the forest, to the mountains of Gettarian, are fowl creatures and even fowler folk.’ Remembering this, it only confirmed My belief in him being a knight, setting out on a dangerous quest. When I proceed to warn him of the dangers he might face up that way, he, to my surprise, tossed me a bag. Coins it was! Never had I held so much silver in my hands! As I tried to compose myself, the knight asked me to swear onto Pellor I'd keep the sword safe. I didn't even know who ‘Pellor’ was at the time, you see. I did as he asked, not wanting to offend over my lack of knowledge. I watched him wonder off up the road soon thereafter. I don't think he had much in the sense of direction. He would have been halfway to Karmor, had I not redirected him. Not long after first harvest came, I had completely forgotten the whole affair. I was helping to support My family while my father was away with the army, fighting the Empire. My memory returned to me however, when the knight stumbled through the door of the inn. But he didn't sound.... or even resemble the knight I saw months back. Deep wounds covered his flesh, clumps of hair were missing from his long black hair. When he spoke, it wasn't the calm and strong voice as it had been. Now, it was hollow and raspy. He asked me where it was. That's when I recognized him as the knight from the past two seasons back. I stumbled over my words, but managed to tell him I had kept it safe. Startled I was when he grabbed me by the arm, demanding to know where it was. ‘Show me!’ he shouted. As we hurried to My house, I noticed he smelled something awful of decay. Before I knew it, we were standing in the storeroom of my house. I frantically searched about for the sword. I couldn't remember where I stashed it. What seemed like an eternity went by, as I opened container after container. Right around that time the knight was becoming most impatient, spacing about while murmuring something about ‘vain of a she elf’. When I finally did find the sword, I heard a scream. Turning around, there before me was the knight, but he.... it didn't look anything like a human. The once handsome knight looked pale and shadowy. Wild, flowing hair now obscured his face as it moved about. It raised up from the floor. Lashing out with an echo of a voice, he demanded the sword. I stretched out my arm to give the sword back. In doing so, and seeing this monster in front of me I faltered in footing. Knocking many jugs in the fall. When he moved towards me, he saw his own refection in the spilled water on the floor. Recoiling back, he let out a scream, it sounded ghastly to me. Then, he just vanished into thin air. It's My thinking that he was cursed in some sorts. I quickly disposed of the sword thereafter. None of that magical stuff for Milo Stingbottom. Us Stingbottom's always keep to our own affairs." This is the only recorded "eyewitness" account for the sword known as the Vain She-Elf. The Scop Society has weighed in on the testimony previously given; "We, The Scop Society, came without question to denounce the account of a ‘cursed’ knight. During our search for any supporting testimony from other inhabitance of Asmor, along with any verified recordings pertaining to an elven sword of rustic appearance, we can firmly say the conflicting story of it being a ‘She Elf affection of vanity’ (and the fact this victim was a male), we, The Scop Society, have come to the conclusion this is nothing more than a tale told by the commonfolk of Mycenae."


Believed to once belonged to an Elven Maided from the early 2300's abs.


Rumers of this artifact and it's abilty to turn whoever slays another creature with it into a wrath.
Creation Date
Destruction Date
28" Long
Base Price


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