04 - Nest of Nuisance

General Summary


Expedition - 01 - A Gaggle of Giant Grasshoppers
The party discovered the nest of the Giant Grasshopper's and have set out to destroy it before they can destroy any more farmland.



Approaching the Nest

As the party approached the nest they could hear a rather loud buzzing sound, and once the nest came into view they could see the nest was appearing to be assaulted by a pair of Giant Vultures. There was a swarm of Giant Grasshoppers trying to defend the nest, but were taking heavy loses even though they were able to take down one of the vultures. As the party moved in to engage they noticed a somewhat horrific smell emanating from the next, but continued forward once the remaining vulture was wounded by the grasshoppers and cleared out the remaining threats before moving towards the nest. The party climbed the nest and looked down the entrance, but couldn't see very deep into the paper mache like nest. So they climbed in and began falling through the nest.  

Inside the Nest

The Cartographers fell nearly 30 feet as they fell through the nest and seemingly fell into a cave beneath the ground. The smell was even worse inside of this cave, and the party soon discovered the source of this smell, the many rotting grasshopper corpses that cover the floor of this cave. The party did see some living grasshoppers holding some high ground in the cave which began to spit acid at the party, but their concerns were quickly directed at the Carrion Crawlers that snuck up on them.   The party ended up taking down the Carrion Crawlers as well as the remaining Giant Grasshoppers that were holding their high ground. It turned out that the last Grasshoppers were defending their eggs from the Carrion Crawlers, which the party promptly burnt to finish their mission.

Rewards Granted

Image Item & Description Quantity
Bundle of Acid Burned Feathers 4
Grasshopper Flank Ration 14
Carrion Crawler Mucus 1
Carrion Head 1
Payment 7gp, 5 sp each

Related Reports

SPOILER (click to reveal)
The Guild discovered this nest during Expedition 01 - A Gaggle of Giant Grasshoppers.
Report Date
11 Apr 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location