19 - Berry Stealing Boars

General Summary

Cyrus has tasked the cartographers with collecting different meats and foods in preparation for a celebratory feast being thrown in the honor the the guild heads Orobash & Amyra's return from their year long expedition.   He has asked for this food items to be collected:
  • Grassy Plains Musk Ox beef
  • King Quipper steaks
  • Great Pidgeon Eggs
  • Dire Rabbit Haunches
  • Giant Ladybug Meat
  • Boison Berries
  • The cartographers know that boison berries tend to grow in the shadow of the Spine Breaker Ridge near the The Deadlands, so Enik, Kneel, and Legion 27 loaded up Frank and were on their way.


    Bush League

    The party found their way the a boison berry grove, partially thanks to Legion 27 who had an unexplained resurgence of memories, showing brief flashes of an old life where he previously explored this berry clearing as well as the cave system that leads into the mountains. With Legion's knowledge they were able to find the boison berry clearing without issue. They begin to start plucking some berries from the bushes when Kneel noticed some rustling in the bushes and before he could warn Enik a tiny Boar burst out of the bush and unsuccessfully tried to headbut him before sprinting into the bush behind the large boulder.   And before the cartographers knew it they were being swarmed by Boars , including one big Grand Pappy Boar
    . They took down the hogs and went into the large bush to find the Boarlet
    but it dashed away and attempted to hide again. The cartographers found the little boarlet cowering behind another boar in a bush. Though the boar didn't appear to be agressive, as even while the party stood infront of him he just continued to munch on the boison berries. The same berries which are known to be poisonous when not prepared correctly and cause a severe hallucinagenic effect before killing most humanoids. It was deduced that this Boar
    was straight trippin. They grabbed the little boar, now named Nugget and tied the other boar now named Barry to Frank's cart, loaded up the corpses of the other boars and butchered the Grand Pappy Boar before exploring the hole in the stone wall.  

    Crustacean Caverns

    The cartographers wandered through a dark and winding tunnel before finding themselves in the southern side of a small cavern, with a clear pool of water in the middle. It appears somewhat deep as well as inhabited by Giant Crabs
    Report Date
    19 Dec 2022
    Secondary Location
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