
Bobo was born into a tribe of bugbears that had long lived in the Spine Breakers. As a young bugbear, Bobo was always fascinated by the stories of his elders about the great creatures that roamed the mountains. He spent his childhood exploring the mountains and studying the different animals that called it home.   When he was a teenager, Bobo's tribe was attacked by a group of trolls. The trolls killed many of Bobo's family and friends, and he was one of the few survivors. Bobo managed to escape with his life, but he was badly wounded and had to spend months recovering from his injuries.   During his recovery, Bobo met Grommulus, a goblin who was also living in the mountains. Grommulus had a small herd of Giant Musk Oxen that he tended to, and Bobo helped him protect the herd from predators. Over time, the two became close friends, and Bobo felt a deep sense of gratitude towards Grommulus for helping him during his time of need.   One day, while they were tending to the herd, they were attacked by a troll. Bobo immediately sprang into action, drawing his massive club and charging towards the creature. Grommulus, meanwhile, tried to distract the troll with some of his cooking spices, hoping to buy Bobo some time to attack.   The troll was massive and incredibly strong, and Bobo knew that he was in for a tough fight. But he was determined to protect his friend and the herd, and he fought with all his might. The troll swung its massive club at Bobo, but he managed to dodge out of the way just in time, striking back with his own club.   The battle between Bobo and the troll was long and grueling, but eventually, with the help of Grommulus, they managed to defeat the creature. As they stood there, panting and covered in troll blood, Bobo realized that he had found a true friend in Grommulus. Despite their differences in size and species, they had fought together to protect the herd and each other.   From that day on, Bobo and Grommulus became inseparable. Bobo continued to protect the herd, and he also helped Grommulus improve his cooking skills, teaching him how to prepare meat in a way that would appeal to bugbear tastes. Despite the danger that lurked in the mountains, Bobo was content to live there with his friend and their herd, knowing that he had found a true home.  

Grommulus, Bobo, & the Troll

Grommulus was tending to the herd of Giant Musk Oxen when he heard the sound of heavy footsteps approaching. He looked up and saw a towering troll lumbering towards them, its eyes fixed on the herd.   Grommulus felt a wave of fear wash over him. He had heard stories of trolls before, but had never actually seen one in person. He knew that they were dangerous creatures, capable of tearing apart even the strongest of animals.   He quickly grabbed his cooking utensils and tried to shoo the oxen away from the troll, hoping to scare it off. But the troll seemed unfazed, and continued to approach the herd with its massive club raised high.   Grommulus knew that he had to act fast. He pulled out a few of his favorite cooking spices and threw them in the air towards the troll, hoping that the strong smell would distract it. To his surprise, the troll stopped in its tracks and began to sniff at the air.   Taking advantage of the troll's momentary confusion, Grommulus quickly led the oxen away from the troll and towards safety. He could hear Bobo fighting the troll in the distance, and knew that he needed to get the herd to safety before going to help his friend.   Once he had safely led the herd to a nearby cave, Grommulus quickly made his way back to where he had left Bobo. When he arrived, he found Bobo engaged in a fierce battle with the troll. Grommulus knew that he had to act fast if they were going to defeat the creature.   He quickly grabbed his cooking pot and filled it with some of the troll's blood. He then threw in some of his favorite spices and began to chant a cooking spell that he had learned long ago. As he chanted, the pot began to glow and emit a strange, sweet-smelling smoke.   The troll, distracted by the smoke, lowered its guard for just a moment. Bobo took advantage of this and struck the troll with all his might, bringing it down to the ground. Grommulus quickly poured the contents of the cooking pot over the troll's head, and it let out a final, gurgling cry before falling silent.   Grommulus and Bobo stood there for a moment, catching their breath and looking at the creature they had just defeated. Grommulus couldn't help but smile to himself - not only had he saved his beloved herd, but he had also managed to use his cooking skills to help defeat a troll.

Bobo's goal is to repay his life debt to Grommulus by protecting him and the herd at all costs. He also hopes to one day find a place where bugbears are accepted for who they are and not just seen as savage monsters.
Bobo can be gruff and intimidating, which sometimes causes misunderstandings with others. He also has a bit of a temper and can become violent if he feels that someone is threatening Grommulus or the herd.
Bobo's bond with Grommulus is a deep one, based on a sense of honor and loyalty. He also cares deeply for the Giant Musk Oxen and considers them part of his family.
  • Butchering
  • Fighting
  • Wrestling
  • Children