Carfiir Willowgrove

Carfiir was born and raised in the forests surrounding Ostenward. He developed a deep connection with nature at a young age, and his love for the wilderness only grew stronger as he got older. Carfiir learned how to survive in the forest, hunt, and gather herbs to make natural remedies.   When he was old enough, Carfiir joined the Mobile Battalion as a ranger and herbalist, using his skills to aid in their patrols and protect the town from threats. However, as he spent more time in the battalion, he began to see the toll that constant warfare and destruction was taking on the land he loved.   Driven by a desire to protect nature, Carfiir left the battalion and became one of the few druids in the Cartographer's Guild. He uses his knowledge of the wilderness and its creatures to aid in their mapping efforts, identifying areas of significance and finding ways to preserve the natural beauty of the land. Carfiir also continues to use his herbalist skills to create remedies for his fellow guild members, ensuring their health and well-being on their travels.   Despite his transition to the Cartographer's Guild, Carfiir still maintains a strong connection to his ranger roots and is always ready to defend the natural world against those who would harm it. He misses the camaraderie of his former battalion and wishes to reconnect with them someday. He has great respect for the other members of the Cartographers Guild and sees them as kindred spirits in their shared love of exploration and discovery.

Protect the natural world from harm and preserve its beauty.
Struggles with guilt over leaving his former battalion and sometimes feels like he abandoned them.
Feu is a dear friend and mentor who helped him discover his druidic powers, and he feels a deep sense of gratitude and responsibility towards her.
Guild Affiliation
Guild Druids
Druid Apprentice
  • Herbalism
  • Survival
  • Ranged Combat
  • Children