Drog the Ruthless

Drog is a towering figure with bulging muscles, standing at 7 feet tall. His skin is a light green, with beady yellow eyes that seem to glint with a cruel intelligence. He wears a ragged set of leather armor, adorned with various trophies and trinkets he's collected from his victims.   He is a cruel and sadistic individual who enjoys inflicting pain and suffering on others. He relishes in the fear and desperation of his victims and takes pleasure in breaking their wills. Despite his brutality, he's not very smart and lacks any real strategic thinking. His motivations are simple: power, dominance, and wealth. He sees himself as the strongest member of his gang and wants others to fear and respect him. He's also not very loyal and will betray his allies if it benefits him.   Despite his success, Drog grew increasingly restless and began to chafe under the authority of his gang. He saw himself as the strongest member and believed that he deserved more respect and wealth than he was getting, so he decided to betray his former gang when the moment suited him. He even left the other orcs he convinced to help him to die at the hands of their former comrades while he escaped.   Drog now operates as a lone bandit, apparently working for Guk Morningstar. He's always on the lookout for ways to increase his power and wealth, and is willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants.

Amass wealth: Drog is motivated by his desire for wealth and luxury. He enjoys spending money on fine food, drink, and other luxuries. He wants to accumulate as much wealth as possible, so he can live a life of comfort and excess.
Cruelty: Drog's sadistic streak and love for inflicting pain can sometimes cloud his judgement and lead him to make rash decisions. He can also become so caught up in his own cruelty that he may miss opportunities to further his goals.
Desire for power and wealth: Drog's ultimate desire is to amass as much power and wealth as possible. He will stop at nothing to achieve this goal, and will do whatever it takes to accumulate more resources and gain more control.
  • Fighting
  • Inflicting Pain
  • Intimidation
  • Children