Flimflog, Himhog, & Gimgog

Flimflog, Himhog, and Gimgog were born to a family of miners in Stonehelm. From a young age, they were inseparable and often caused mischief together. Their parents struggled to keep up with their constant energy and antics, but they couldn't deny the bond that the triplets shared.   As they grew older, Flimflog, Himhog, and Gimgog developed a love for fighting. They would often spar with each other in the mine, and their skills grew quickly. Eventually, they heard about an underground sewer fight club that was held in secret beneath the city of Stonehelm. They knew they had to join.   The fight club was brutal, but Flimflog, Himhog, and Gimgog quickly proved themselves to be some of the toughest and most skilled fighters there. They became well-known among the other members of the club, and their reputation began to spread throughout the city.Despite their success in the fight club, the triplets never forgot their roots. They continued to work in the mines during the day, and they always made sure to send some of their winnings from the fight club back home to their family.   Flimflog is the leader of the group. He's the tallest of the three and has a shaved head and a thick beard. He's also the most level-headed of the group and often serves as the voice of reason.   Himhog is the brawn of the group. He's shorter than Flimflog but much broader, with bulging muscles and scars criss-crossing his arms and chest. He's not the brightest of the group, but he makes up for it with raw strength and a fierce fighting style.   Gimgog is the brains of the group. He's the shortest of the triplet. He's a master tactician and often plans out their fights in advance, using his knowledge of strategy to outmaneuver their opponents.   Together, Flimflog, Himhog, and Gimgog make a formidable team. They've won countless fights in the sewer fight club, and they've even started to attract the attention of some of the city's more unsavory characters. But despite the danger that comes with their underground fighting, they wouldn't have it any other way. To them, there's nothing better than the thrill of battle and the bond of brotherhood that they share.

To become the champions of the underground sewer fight club and gain notoriety throughout the city.
They have a tendency to be hot-headed and impulsive, especially in the heat of battle.
The triplets share an unbreakable bond of brotherhood that drives them to always have each other's backs.
  • Brawling
  • Athletics
  • Wrestling
  • Children