Great Pigeon

Any city dweller worth their salt knows to seek cover when they hear the dreaded cooing of a great pigeon—or will soon learn to do so. These large birds have developed themselves into the apex breadcrumb predators, and a flock of great pigeons is reason for any baker to tremble in their shoes.  
Dire Nuisances
While great pigeons are not plentiful, they are hard to miss when they have settled down somewhere. Armed with sharp talons and an insatiable appetite, they will shamelessly harass market stalls and travellers until they get a hold of a morsel of food—after which they’ll come back even more ferociously for seconds.  
Homing Heavyweights
There are some who have managed to domesticate great pigeons, breeding them into world-class carrier pigeons. Where regular carrier pigeons are good for little more than ferrying terse scrolls of writing, a great pigeon might easily be entrusted with an entire book, making them both extremely useful and extremely expensive.  


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