Greta Humdinger

Greta is a plump gnome with curly brown hair and a round, friendly face. She has warm brown eyes that twinkle when she laughs, and she always wears a clean, crisp apron over her simple but well-tailored clothes. Despite her humble appearance, there is a certain elegance to her movements that suggests she comes from a more refined background.   Greta is a kind and generous soul who believes that everyone deserves a good meal and a warm welcome. She takes great pride in her cafe and the quality of the food she serves, using only the freshest ingredients and preparing each dish with care. She is always happy to chat with her customers and listen to their stories, offering a sympathetic ear and a word of encouragement when needed. Despite her generally sunny disposition, however, Greta can be tough when she needs to be, and she is not afraid to stand up for herself or her customers when the situation calls for it.   She grew up in a wealthy gnomish family, but she always felt more at home in the kitchen than in the formal drawing rooms and ballrooms of her youth. When she was old enough to strike out on her own, she left home and set up a small cafe in the slummier part of town, determined to bring a touch of warmth and comfort to those who needed it most. Over the years, she has built up a loyal following of customers who appreciate her food and her company, and her cafe has become a true oasis in the midst of the poverty and despair of the slums.   Greta's main motivation is to provide good food and a welcoming atmosphere to anyone who needs it, regardless of their background or circumstances. She sees her cafe as a way to bring a little bit of joy and happiness into the world, one meal at a time, and she takes her role as a caretaker of her community very seriously. While she is not wealthy by any means, she is content with her life and her work, and she takes great pride in knowing that she is making a difference in the lives of those around her.

To help improve the lives of the people in the slums, whether through providing meals or offering a listening ear.
Greta's desire to help others can sometimes lead to her neglecting her own needs and wellbeing.
Jax Blackwood, the cheery half-orc who frequents Greta's cafe, is a close friend and confidant.
  • Cooking
  • Hospitality
  • Brewing Tea
  • Children