Lyra Goldenheart

Lyra is a cheerful halfling who's always looking on the bright side. She's quick-witted and charming, with a talent for numbers that makes her a valuable asset to her clients. She's also a bit of a gambler and enjoys taking risks, both in her work and in her personal life.   Lyra grew up in a family of traders and merchants, where she learned the value of a coin at a young age. She took an interest in accounting and finance early on, and went on to study economics at a prestigious university. After graduation, she moved to the slums to offer her services to local businesses and individuals. She is motivated by her love of numbers and her desire to help others. She takes pride in her work and strives to ensure that her clients are financially stable and successful. She's also a bit of a risk-taker and enjoys the thrill of making a big investment or taking a gamble on a new venture.

To win big at a high-stakes gambling tournament and use the winnings to make a positive impact in the slums.
Lyra has a bit of a weakness for temptation, whether it's a particularly lucrative deal or a tantalizing game of chance.
Lyra is secretly in love with Jax Blackwood, the half-orc waiter at her favorite cafe, but has yet to confess her feelings.
  • Accounting
  • Gambling
  • Charming
  • Children