Marius Stitchworth

Marius Stitchworth was born and raised in Stonehelm. His father, a renowned tailor, passed on his skills to Marius at a young age. Marius had always shown an exceptional talent for sewing, and he quickly learned the art of tailoring from his father. However, after his father's death, Marius was left alone to fend for himself. With no money and no prospects, Marius was forced to move to the slums of Stonehelm, where he set up a small tailoring business. Despite his modest surroundings, Marius is known throughout the city as one of the best tailors around.   He is an ambitious man who dreams of one day owning his own tailor shop in the wealthy part of Stonehelm. He is always on the lookout for new clients, especially those with deep pockets, as he knows that the more he can impress the wealthy, the closer he will be to achieving his dream. Marius is also a shrewd businessman who understands that he must be careful not to upset the criminal elements that operate in the slums. He is always looking for ways to increase his profits without attracting unwanted attention.

To own a high end tailor shop.
Can be condescending to those who do not share his passion for fashion.
Marius is fiercely loyal to his deceased father, whose teachings and legacy he carries on through his work, otherwise he has a small circle of friends in the slums, including a few other artisans and craftsmen, whom he trusts implicitly.
  • Tailoring
  • Trend Setter
  • Deal Maker
  • Children