
Marmotants are large rodents slightly larger in size than the average human. Though the marmotants are herbivores and thus do not hunt live prey, the creatures are fiercely defensive of their territory. The marmotant often provides ample warning of its presence with a sharp shriek powerful enough to rupture the eardrums of creatures close enough. Should that fail, the marmotant’s powerful bite and piercing claws give it ample tools to protect itself.  
Burrowed Caches
Marmotants burrow holes into the soil throughout their habitats to store food such as nuts and other edible vegetation. These caches can be a lifeline for other animals or even mortal races traveling throughout the wilderness in need of food. Creatures pilfering from such caches should be sure to cover their tracks, lest the marmotant discover the disappearance and aggressively pursue the thief.  
Marmotants are especially motivated by food, and are sometimes tamed by certain halfling and gnome populations to be used as mounts in mountainous or hilled environments. As long as the marmotants are appropriately fed and cared for, they are known to tolerate and even enjoy these relationships.  


  • Expedition 08 - An Egg-cellent Escape
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