
Scab grew up on the streets of the slums, abandoned by his parents at a young age. He was forced to learn how to survive on his own, quickly turning to theft and pickpocketing as a means of staying alive. Despite his tough exterior, Scab was always a bit of an outsider, never quite fitting in with the other street urchins.   As he grew older, Scab became more skilled at thievery, often working alone or with a small crew of trusted allies. He earned a reputation as a skilled pickpocket and burglar, but also as someone who could be relied upon in a tight spot. Despite his criminal activities, Scab had a certain code of honor and would never betray those he considered his friends.   One day, Scab was caught attempting to steal from a wealthy noble's home. He was thrown in jail, but instead of facing punishment, he was given an offer he couldn't refuse. The noble was a member of a powerful thieves' guild, and saw potential in Scab's skills. He offered to take Scab under his wing and train him as a member of the guild.   Scab accepted the offer, and spent the next few years learning the ins and outs of the criminal underworld. He quickly rose through the ranks, earning the respect of his fellow guild members and becoming known as one of the most skilled burglars in the city. He was often tasked with the most difficult and dangerous jobs, but he never shied away from a challenge.   Despite his success, Scab still struggled with feelings of loneliness and isolation. He had few close friends, and even those he considered allies he kept at a distance. His tough exterior often kept people at bay, but deep down he longed for true companionship.   Now, Scab is one of the most respected members of the thieves' guild, but he still longs for something more. He wonders if there is more to life than just stealing and scheming, and sometimes dreams of a different path. However, he knows that he has too much invested in the criminal underworld to turn back now.

To exact revenge on the rival gang that killed his parents.
His obsession with revenge can sometimes blind him to the consequences of his actions.
Scab is fiercely loyal to the members of his gang, especially those who have been with him since the beginning.
  • Burglary
  • Stealth
  • Tracking
  • Children