Selena "Sly" Nightshade

Selena, also known as "Sly" to her fellow gang members, is a sly and cunning human thief who specializes in burglary and lockpicking. She's quiet and reserved, preferring to stay in the shadows and avoid confrontation. She's not very trusting of others, but she's fiercely loyal to her gang and will do whatever it takes to protect them. She grew up on the streets, and she quickly learned how to survive by stealing and sneaking around. She's always been good at avoiding notice and slipping in and out of places unnoticed. She joined her gang as a way to find a sense of belonging and to have people she could rely on and as a way to have a home and a family, and she's willing to do whatever it takes to protect them.   Selena was born into a family of thieves and pickpockets, and learned the trade from a young age. Her mother, an accomplished burglar, taught her the finer points of lock-picking and sneaking, while her father was a skilled con artist who showed her how to charm her way out of tight situations. Though a deal gone bad took both of them from Selana at a young age.   With no one to aid her she struck out on her own as a fence and information broker. Despite her upbringing, Selena was never content to simply steal for a living. She had a keen mind for business and a desire to make a name for herself. She quickly gained a reputation as one of the best in the business, with a vast network of contacts and a talent for finding buyers for even the most obscure items.   Selena's success didn't come without a price, however. Her ruthless business practices and willingness to betray even her closest associates earned her many enemies, and she's had to watch her back constantly to avoid being taken down by a rival thief or a vengeful client.   Despite her somewhat shady reputation, Selena has a strong sense of honor and loyalty to those she considers part of her inner circle. She's been known to go to great lengths to protect her friends and associates, even putting herself in harm's way if necessary. However, she's also prone to bouts of paranoia and can be quick to assume the worst of others if she feels threatened.   Throughout her career, Selena has amassed a small fortune in stolen goods and information, but she's always hungry for more. Her ultimate goal is to retire in luxury, with enough wealth and influence to live comfortably with her gang for the rest of her days without ever having to look over her shoulder again.

Make enough money to retire and live a life of luxury.
Struggles with guilt and remorse over the death of her former partner.
Feels a strong loyalty to her gang, especially Stitches and Fingers, who she sees as family, she has a romantic interest in Rax the Quick, but is hesitant to pursue it due to her trust issues. She also feels indebted to Krog for his help in a previous conflict and is willing to go to great lengths to repay him.
  • Lockpicking
  • Con Artist
  • Information Broker
  • Children