
The city of Stonehelm, once the heart of the Human kingdom, now the final bastion for sentient life after the Cataclysm brought destruction throughout the lands of Varna.   In the days leading up the the magical Cataclysm, the Human Lord of Stonehelm opened his gates to all who would put their weapons and animosity to the side and let them shelter in the cavernous maze beneath the central mountain, Stonecrest. The rock and earth held strong as the Cataclysm ripped apart the city that they all once knew.   After the sounds of destruction had passed, the Lord sent his men to be continued


  • Stonehelm
    The city of Stonehelm, once the heart of the Human kingdom, now the final bastion for sentient life after the Cataclysm brought destruction throughout the lands of Varna.