
Titchi was born into a small tribe of satyrs that roamed the forests outside of Stonehelm. Her parents were both skilled hunters and taught her how to track and hunt at a young age. Titchi showed a natural talent for tracking and was often the one who brought back the most game for the tribe.   However, Titchi had always been fascinated by the world beyond the forest. She loved hearing stories from travelers who passed through their territory and dreamed of one day exploring the world outside of the trees.   When she was a teenager, Titchi heard about the underground sewer fight club that was held beneath the city of Stonehelm. She was intrigued by the idea of fighting for sport and the potential for making a good amount of coin. She snuck into the city and quickly made a name for herself as a fierce fighter, thanks to her natural agility and her skills with a pair of daggers.   Eventually, Titchi caught the eye of the person who managed the fight club at the time, a gruff human named Rourke. Impressed by her skills, Rourke offered Titchi a job managing the day-to-day operations of the fight club. Titchi jumped at the chance, seeing it as an opportunity to explore the city and make connections with some of its more unsavory characters.   Over time, Titchi proved herself to be an adept manager. She has a keen eye for talent and is skilled at matching up fighters with opponents that are well-matched. She's also in charge of taking bets and managing the bar when needed. Her charm and quick wit make her well-liked among the fighters and patrons of the fight club.   Despite her success in the fight club, Titchi still longs to explore the world outside of Stonehelm. She often spends her free time listening to the stories of travelers who come through the city, hoping to one day strike out on her own and see all that the world has to offer.

To keep the fight club running smoothly and gain the favor of the mysterious figure who runs it.
Titchi has a soft spot for underdogs, which can sometimes lead her to make decisions that are not in her best interest.
She's fiercely loyal to the fighters of the fight club and will do anything to protect them, she especially has a soft spot for Flimflog, Himhog, and Gimgog, the triplet dwarves who are some of the most talented fighters in the club. She sees them as the younger siblings she never had and is always looking out for them.
  • Smooth Talking
  • Bartending
  • Gambling
  • Children