
Wildsmasher was born and raised in the mountains, among a tribe of Goliaths who valued strength and martial prowess above all else. From a young age, she showed a natural aptitude for hand-to-hand combat, and was often found wrestling and brawling with her fellow tribe members. Her tribe was known for their fierce warriors, and Wildsmasher quickly made a name for herself as one of the strongest and most skilled fighters among them.   However, Wildsmasher's life took a tragic turn when her tribe was attacked and decimated by a group of giants. Wildsmasher was one of the few survivors, and she was forced to flee into the wilderness. For years, she wandered the mountains, honing her fighting skills and living off the land. She developed a reputation as a fierce and dangerous fighter, and was feared by many who crossed her path.   Eventually, Wildsmasher heard whispers of an underground sewer fight club in the city of Stonehelm. Intrigued by the promise of challenging opponents and the chance to earn some coin, she made her way to the city and soon became a regular competitor in the club's fights.   Despite her reputation as a skilled fighter, Wildsmasher is not known for her sociability. She generally keeps to herself and doesn't speak to others unless she needs to. Her main focus is on winning fights and earning money, and she has little regard for the well-being of others. She's fiercely independent and self-serving, and will do whatever it takes to come out on top.

To earn enough money to eventually return to the mountains and rebuild her tribe and to seek vengeance against the giants who destroyed her tribe and killed her family.
Wildsmasher's single-minded focus on her goals can sometimes cause her to disregard the safety and well-being of others.
She has little regard for her fellow fighters in the sewer fight club, but will sometimes work with them if it serves her own interests.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat
  • Endurance
  • Survival
  • Children