
Written by World Smithy

A grave's a grave, kid; 'scept for the big, fancy ones for important folk. One day we all end up meeting the Fablewing, whether we want to or not. Just to be sure you don't meet them too soon, try not to play around the open graves. I might accidentally bury you alive if you fall in.
— Yoras Korraka, Necromemorian and Corvanis of the Ebon Hall

More Than a Spadehand

Necromemorians act as both undertaker and gravedigger for their respective Ebon Halls—churches dedicated to Rosvonè and her Aspects, Lore and Fate—and rarely operate alone. Each Ebon Hall typically has anywhere from two to ten active Necromemorians at any given time. Some exclusively dig graves, while others will only ever meet with the bereved families of those that have since passed. In this sense, they are the backbone of their Ebon Halls, as these structures are known to act as both a funeral home and a place of worship. However, preaching is reserved for the Corvanis, or the clergy of the Matron of Ravens.
As part of their responsibility as gravedigger, they are often instructed to leave something of great import to the deceased at the bottoms of the grave, which is provided by the family of the deceased. Once a casket has been lowered, a second item (or more) of personal value to the living is tossed in along with the first spadefull of earth—this item is typically accompanied by the some form of the phrase “Something to remember me/us by”. Once items connected to the deceased have been added, the grave will be filled accordingly.

In Mud and Rain, They Toil

Regardless of the weather, Necromemorians must complete the tasks set out for them every day. Graves must be dug, families met and consoled, and bodies prepared for burial. The profession is often seen as grueling, with some working more than fourteen to sixteen hours a day. These long hours, often in poor conditions, lead many to believe that Necromemorians are always covered in mud, sweat, or some substance from the dead they so-often deal with. Some live up to this stereotype, while others actively fight it by changing clothes several times a day, or purchasing Prestidigitizers (an arcane cleansing device).
A Necromemorian visiting the grave of a loved one that they themselves dug.
Please remain quiet and respectful while visiting the Ebon Hall's cemetary, as others may be here to mourn as well. For any concerns, personal or not, please see the acting Corvanis inside.

Reminiscence clear your clouded skies.

—Corvanis Yoras Korraka


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