Traveler's Barstool

Written by World Smithy

Scene: A Weary Pair

Two figures, trudging through The Gloom and muck, walk along a desolate and forlorn roadway. Scraps of long-lost rusted armor can be seen peeking up through the black goo that covers the ground. Wails of the damned, twisted, and corrupted stream around these two as the harrowing mists encompass their every step. The unmistakable stench of flesh decaying is omnipresent, and never wavers. Anything watching their lonesome march could hear the distinct sounds of metal on metal clattering through the dark with every heavy footfall.
The figure on the right clunks along under heavy plate mail, carrying a longsword in one hand and a shield emblazoned with a black, ornate eye in the other. Two horns protrude from either side of its head, curling forward before arching their way skyward. On its back is a massive pack, with seemingly two or three others strapped to it by way of rope. That burdensome luggage seems to lurch from side to side to the beat of its boots finding land beneath the ever-present muck.
The second figure on the left of this path seems to be more careful in where they step. Obscuring their head, a hood attached to a long, decorative robe that has been stained beyond recovery can bee seen in their dim lantern light. In one hand, they carry what seems to be a long quill made of a long-extinct bird's feather, while the other holds an open tome. A light blue shimmer can be seen coming from its pages, pulsating with arcane energy that seems to thrum in tandem with the figure's gait.
Onlookers, then, were not surprised when the pair finally stumbled into the warm glow of the interior of a tavern known as The Boiling Table. In the cozy lighting, folks were finally able to get a better view of the worn duo. The man on the right was a Tiefling that boasted purple skin, a tail that flicked behind him, deep black hair, and a single visible red eye not hidden by a weathered leather eyepatch. His face had been heavily scarred by years of wear and tear, yet he wore them proudly. The man on the left pulled back the embellished hood to reveal a human man of a dark complexion with short, well-kept black hair and a pair of piercing blue eyes. Right as their collective three functioning eyes were getting accustomed to the radiance of the tavern's interior, they had both spotted it: the last barstool at the counter!

Mechanics & Inner Workings

"What?! You're asking me how a STOOL works? Alright, ya' won't believe me if I say this, but... ya' set it down flat on its four legs. Then, wait for it this is the best part: YA' SIT ON IT! Now, if you're done with the dumb questions, what are ya' havin'?"


Barstools, as a piece of furniture, were fairly uncommon before the original Halfling mafioso families set up their taverns in the wastelands as fronts for their more illicit business ventures. After their widespread success, good-intentioned or not, the seat was widely adopted at legitimate taverns and bars to increase seating capacity in their businesses. The seat has been a staple ever since.


Its just a barstool. What, you thought this was some mighty relic? Although, in the context of our two weary travelers, it may as well have been one of the most powerful known artifacts at the time.
Its wasn't just ANY barstool, it was THE barstool.
Item type
Creation Date
"I dunno, last year?"
Destruction Date
"All the time? Too many break day-to-day during bar fights to count."
Very Common
6 lbs
Height: 3 ft.
Seat Width: 17 in.
Base Price
4 Copper pieces
Raw materials & Components
These seats are typically made of an easily farmable and quickly grown wood, such as Beech or Sycamore. In Stahlrest, there are many blacksmiths that will forge custom ones from steel and other metals.


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