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    Waleden is one of the largest cities in the Empire, spanning an area of 19.65 square miles, and sitting at an elevation of 125 feet. It is divided in two by a vast river which serves as the main thoroughfare for whaling trawlers and other commercial traffic. Waleden is dominated by rocky outcroppings and numerous cliffs, which are topped by multiple factories and manors. Waleden is an expansive city comprised of numerous districts and locations: industrial, commercial, and residential. The districts north of the river are generally wealthier than those located on its southern counterpart. The Estate District, home of the aristocracy, and Waleden Tower, the seat of the Empire, are located on the north side, dominated by the Clocktower, the tallest building in the city, save for the Tower itself. Industrial districts such as Slaughterhouse Row and Drapers Ward are mostly located near the river, facilitating transport by trade vessels. Transport of goods and people are also assured by rails circulating all over the city. Lastly, Armstrong’s Bridge joins each side of the river while still allowing access to large vessels inland.   Culture: Waleden is known for extreme class division and xenophobia. The impoverished masses form the lowest stratum of society and are the target of subtle warfare aimed at eradicating poverty by decimating the underclass. During the plague, survivors represent those who have survived the undercity but are downtrodden and oppressed. They are encouraged to join the Navy or, in the case of children, the Abbey in return for protection.   The aristocracy continue to thrive, many of them belonging to influential families such as the Carmines and the Inchmouths. Individuals from other cities within the Empire are not highly regarded and are not often seen among the privileged classes. Further, it is common belief that marriage between members of Waleden’s aristocracy and people of other cites "dirties the blood."   Adherence to the Abbey of the Masses is widespread, yet cultists of the Stranger prevail in the city's many dark corners. Cuisine is also divided - for the downtrodden, there are cheap canned goods and rations, and for Waleden’s upper classes, expensive foods, whiskeys, and ciders are imported from across Vash and even other continents.   Law: The Waleden City Watch is the primary law enforcement agency for the entire city, with three different tiers: The Lower Watch, the Guards, the Officers. The River Patrol enforces Waleden’s laws across the River and its tributaries. The soldiers of the Combined Armies of the Empire work with the Watch. The Abbey of the Masses Wardens worked alongside the Watch, given all the powers of a civil police, though they largely deal with crimes of heresy.   The City Planning Department is one of the civil-oriented departments of Waleden's administration and oversaw the reinforcement of the Sewers during the reign of Emperor Euhorn Fairwind the First.


All civilized races.


Military: The City Watch is made up of the Empires military forces when they are not actively at war (“watch duty”). Most of the military is made up of naval forces however the watchmen are trained in warfare and the military has a large cavalry force.   The other fight force available indirectly to empire is the Wardens of the Abbey.   The Wardens: are a militant faction within the Abbey of the Masses, sworn to combat those who associate themselves with the Stranger. Wardens are feared by the populace for their brutality and despised by the City Watch for their zealotry. Their Order is headquartered at the Office of the Vigil within Waleden and headed by the High Warden.   The Rangers: Rangers are a special cadre of archers/infantry who are intimately bound to the wildlands of Sarkonos. Their pursuit of mastery in longbow, swordsmanship, and scouting make them rugged and deadly, traits for which they are greatly feared amongst their enemies. These secretive and elite warriors rarely involve themselves in political affairs. The Rangers are led by the Ranger General, currently Alleria Swiftarrow holds the title.
Before joining the Rangers, each ranger to be must make the Oath of Service:
We are the watchers in the wild.
We are the eagle on the wind.
We walk the lonely road...
For ours is the Unseen Path.         The Blades: While they are not directly members of the military, they are an elite guard used by the empress/emperor and royal family. It is said that a blade is one of the most dangerous groups in all of Vash. With a deadly combination of weapon skill, magical prowess, and subterfuge training, the blades make for some of the deadliest killers known. The infamous case of the Lord Killer is an example many point out when discussing the blades and how it is rumoured that they are often employed to silence political enemies and kill off threats to the Empire. The Blades are led by the Lord of Blades, highest title occurring in the ranks of the Blades. The Lord of Blades must fight to obtain the title and to maintain it, should a Lord be unable to fight or lose a fight the title must be relinquished.


The present site that Waleden occupies was once home to an ancient civilization that collapsed for unknown reasons. Having existed approximately 1000 years before disappearing, its people worshiped the Stranger and inscribed bones with his mark. The ruins were only discovered in 814 OV, deep under present-day Waleden. Many trinkets and artifacts from that era still wash up along Waleden’s shores.   Waleden as a city always thrived from the bounty of the seas. It started as a few shacks for local fishermen before developing into a small whaling town. The Academy was established there in the 730 OV, but it was not until the War of Four Crowns years later that the city became the seat of power. The city was severely threatened during the Morley Insurrection, and the stability of its infrastructure was questioned. Emperor Euhorn Fairwind, first of his name, undertook various urban projects to improve Waleden and created the City Watch in 809 OV. Furthermore, the discovery of whale oil's potential as a fuel source by Artificer Rossmond Ed led to the emergence of various technological marvels, from mechanized whaling trawlers to electric lighting and security devices, many created by the inventor Anton Sokolov. This set an industrial boom across the Empire in 825 OV, further increasing Waleden’s wealth
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