Aasimar Species in Vashald | World Anvil
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Aasimar’s were originally children of Angels and mortal races, perhaps out of secrecy or with a divine purpose. The earliest recorded Aasimar are those originating in Arosis by the first followers of Heaven. Aasimar are a rare occurance in today’s time, with the majority of them originating from out of the Reclaimant Kingdom. Aasimar in most cultures are seen as a blessing and any parents lucky enough to give birth to one are rewarded with praise.

Basic Information


Typically, Aasimars are a mix of their parents, taking their mortal parent’s race, but gaining blonde hair/paler skin or glowing eyes. Some Aasimar manifest a halo or even wings later in their life.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Aasimar do not have a society per se. What small groups that do form in large settlements typically follow the societial rules of their ruling nation.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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