Dhampir Species in Vashald | World Anvil
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Dhampirs were first believed to be seen within High Elven society as many powerful spellcasters turned to vamprism to further increase their power. As generations passed, the blood of the vampire would pass through their children. Many Dhampirs have been seen in the region of Greyfall as Cabals of vampires have been a long standing legacy of its early people. Nowadays, most Dhampirs hide in plain sight, preferring to leave their families legacy in the past.

Basic Information


Dhampir are a mix of their parents, typically gaining the grey skin and fangs of their vampiric parent.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dhampirs do not have a society. Most Dhampirs prefer to integrate themselves as much as possible to avoid confrontation.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

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