Fetchling Species in Vashald | World Anvil
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The first Fetchlings were disciples of Morana who sought to dwell with their god. When they arrived in the Gravelands uninvited, Morana cursed them to be forever trapped within the Plane of Shadow. Today, many small Fetchling communities live out their days in the Shadow Plane, forever cursed to pay for their ancestors mistakes.

Basic Information


Fetchlings are grey skinned humans with pale white hair. They’re typically much smaller than the average human but taller than dwarves. Their lanky bodies help propell themselves through the ruins of the Plane of Shadow.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Fetchling society is one of scavengers and survivalists. Fetchlings have eeked out a life among the denizens of the Plane of Shadow.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
Geographic Distribution

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